Constant Arrays

It was not possible to declare a constant array before PHP version 5.6. From PHP 5.6 onwards, you can use the “const” keyword to declare a constant array. From PHP 7 onwards, constant arrays can also be formed with define() function.

A constant array is an array which cannot be modified after it has been formed. Unlike a normal array, its identifier doesn’t start with the “$” sign.

The older syntax for declaring constant array is −

constARR=array(val1, val2, val3);


   const FRUITS = array(

It will produce the following output −

array(4) {
   string(10) "Watermelon"
   string(12) "Strawberries"
   string(11) "Pomegranate"
   string(10) "Blackberry"

You can also use the conventional square bracket syntax to declar a constant array in PHP −



It is not possible to modify any element in a constant array. Hence, the following code throws a fatal error −

   const FRUITS = [
   FRUITS[1] = "Mango";

It will produce the following output −

PHP Fatal error:  Cannot use temporary expression in write context

Constant Arrays PHP 7 Onwards

The newer versions of PHP allow you to declare a constant array with define() function.

   define ('FRUITS',  [

It will produce the following output −

   [0] => Watermelon
   [1] => Strawberries
   [2] => Pomegranate
   [3] => Blackberry

You can also use the array() function to declare the constant array here.



It is also possible to declare an associative constant array. Here is an example −

   define ('CAPITALS',  array(
      "Maharashtra" => "Mumbai",
      "Telangana" => "Hyderabad",
      "Gujarat" => "Gandhinagar",
      "Bihar" => "Patna"

It will produce the following output −

   [Maharashtra] => Mumbai
   [Telangana] => Hyderabad
   [Gujarat] => Gandhinagar
   [Bihar] => Patna


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