It is important that the input data received in the form of client request is validated before processing in a PHP application. To perform input validation, the filter extension in PHP provides a number of filter functions, backed up by predefined filter constants and flags. The filter extension of PHP library also helps in sanitizing the input received by either GET or POST methods.

The filter extension is a powerful feature that helps prevention of security vulnerabilities, such as SQL injection and cross-site scripting. The extension has two types of filters −

Validation Filters

Validation filters check if the data meets certain criteria. For example, you want to ensure that the user has correctly input an email field in the HTML form. The FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL will determine if the data is a valid email address. The validation filters, however, will not change the data itself.

Sanitization Filters

Sanitization refers to the process of removing undesired characters from the input. Hence, it may alter the data by removing undesired characters. For example, passing in FILTER_SANITIZE_EMAIL will remove characters that are inappropriate for an email address to contain, without performing validation.

Filter Flags

The filter extension in PHP defines a number of filter flags as follows −

Sr.NoID & Description
1FILTER_FLAG_STRIP_LOWStrips characters that have a numerical value <32.
2FILTER_FLAG_STRIP_HIGHStrips characters that have a numerical value >127.
3FILTER_FLAG_STRIP_BACKTICKStrips backtick characters.
4FILTER_FLAG_ALLOW_FRACTIONAllows a period (.) as a fractional separator in numbers.
5FILTER_FLAG_ALLOW_THOUSANDAllows a comma (,) as a thousands separator in numbers.
6FILTER_FLAG_ALLOW_SCIENTIFICAllows an e or E for scientific notation in numbers.
7FILTER_FLAG_NO_ENCODE_QUOTESIf this flag is present, single (‘) and double (“) quotes will not be encoded.
8FILTER_FLAG_ENCODE_LOWEncodes all characters with a numerical value <32.
9FILTER_FLAG_ENCODE_HIGHEncodes all characters with a numerical value >127.
10FILTER_FLAG_ENCODE_AMPEncodes ampersands (&).
11FILTER_NULL_ON_FAILUREReturns null for unrecognized values.
12FILTER_FLAG_ALLOW_OCTALRegards inputs starting with a zero (0) as octal numbers.
13FILTER_FLAG_ALLOW_HEXRegards inputs starting with 0x or 0X as hexadecimal numbers.
14FILTER_FLAG_EMAIL_UNICODEAllows the local part of the email address to contain Unicode characters.
15FILTER_FLAG_IPV4Allows the IP address to be in IPv4 format.
16FILTER_FLAG_IPV6Allows the IP address to be in IPv6 format.
17FILTER_FLAG_NO_PRIV_RANGEFails validation for the following private IPv4 ranges:, and
18FILTER_FLAG_NO_RES_RANGEFails validation for the following reserved IPv4 ranges:,, and validation for the following reserved IPv6 ranges: ::1/128, ::/128, ::ffff:0:0/96 and fe80::/10.
19FILTER_FLAG_GLOBAL_RANGEFails validation for non global IPv4/IPv6 ranges
20FILTER_FLAG_SCHEME_REQUIREDRequires the URL to contain a scheme part.
21FILTER_FLAG_HOST_REQUIREDRequires the URL to contain a host part.
22FILTER_FLAG_PATH_REQUIREDRequires the URL to contain a path part.
23FILTER_FLAG_QUERY_REQUIREDRequires the URL to contain a query string.
24FILTER_REQUIRE_SCALARRequires the value to be scalar.
25FILTER_REQUIRE_ARRAYRequires the value to be an array.
26FILTER_FORCE_ARRAYIf the value is a scalar, it is treated as array with the scalar value as only element.

Filter Functions

The filter extension includes the following filter functions −

Sr.NoID & Description
1filter_has_var()Checks if variable of specified type exists
2filter_id()Returns the filter ID belonging to a named filter
3filter_input_array()Gets external variables and optionally filters them
4filter_input ()Gets a specific external variable by name and filters it
5filter_list()Returns a list of all supported filters
6filter_var_array()Gets multiple variables and optionally filters them
7filter_var()Filters a variable with a specified filter

Predefined Constants

The above functions use one parameter called input_type which is one of the predefined enumerated constants representing how the input has been provided to the PHP script for filtering purpose.

INPUT_POST (int)POST Variables
INPUT_GET (int)GET Variables
INPUT_ENV (int)ENV Variables

filter_has_var() function

The filter_has_var() function checks if variable of specified type exists.


The input_type is one of predefined constants INPUT_GET, INPUT_POST, INPUT_COOKIE, INPUT_SERVER, or INPUT_ENV; where as the var_name parameter is the name of a variable to check. The function returns true on success or false on failure.


Visit the following PHP script on the XAMPP server.

   if (!filter_has_var(INPUT_GET, "email")) {
      echo("Email not found");
   } else {
      echo("Email found");

It will produce the following output −

Visit http://localhost/[email protected]

Email found

filter_input() function

The filter_input() function gets a specific external variable by name and filters it accorfing to the applied filter constant


The type parameter is one of the constants INPUT_GET, INPUT_POST, INPUT_COOKIE, INPUT_SERVER, or INPUT_ENV. Second parameter is var_name, the name of a variable to get. You can use the filter to be applied. Use any of the predefined filter flags. If omitted, FILTER_DEFAULT will be used

The function returns the value of the requested variable on success, false if the filter fails, or null if the var_name variable is not set.


Take a look at the following example −

   if (!filter_input(INPUT_GET, "email", FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) {
      echo("Email is not valid");
   } else {
      echo("Email is valid");

It will produce the following output −

If you use the URL http://localhost/[email protected],

Email is valid

If the URL is http://localhost/hello.php?email=a b [email protected],

Email is not valid

You can also use INPUT_POST type for validating the input received through the POST method −

   if (!filter_input(INPUT_POST, "email", FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) {
      echo("Email is not valid");
   } else {
      echo("Email is valid");

To pass data with POST request, open the command prompt, and use the following CURL command

curl -X POST -d "{\"email\": \"[email protected]\"}" http://localhost/hello.php

filter_list() function

The filter_list() function returns a list of all supported filters



The function returns an array of names of all supported filters, empty array if there are no such filters.


It will produce the following output −

   [0] => int
   [1] => boolean
   [2] => float
   [3] => validate_regexp
   [4] => validate_domain
   [5] => validate_url
   [6] => validate_email
   [7] => validate_ip
   [8] => validate_mac
   [9] => string
   [10] => stripped
   [11] => encoded
   [12] => special_chars
   [13] => full_special_chars
   [14] => unsafe_raw
   [15] => email
   [16] => url
   [17] => number_int
   [18] => number_float
   [19] => add_slashes
   [20] => callback

filter_input_array() function

The filter_input_array() gets external variables and optionally filters them.


This function is useful for retrieving many values without repetitively calling filter_input().


The options parameter is an array defining the arguments. A valid key is a string containing a variable name and a valid value is either a filter type, or an array optionally specifying the filter, flags and options. This parameter can be also an integer holding a filter constant. Then all values in the input array are filtered by this filter.

The function returns an array containing the values of the requested variables on success. If the input array designated by type is not populated, the function returns null if the FILTER_NULL_ON_FAILURE flag is not given, or false otherwise. For other failures, false is returned.


To include an array in the HTTP request, we use the following HTML form in “hello.html”, and send it by POST method.

<!DOCTYPE html><html><body><h1>Filter Input Array</h1><form action="hello.php" method="POST"><p><label for="email">Enter your email:</label><input type="text" id="email" name="email"></p><p><label for="age">Enter your age<label><input type = "text" id="age" name="age"></p><input type="submit"></form></body></html>

The PHP script to validate the input array is as follows −

   $filters = array (
      "age" => array ("filter"=>FILTER_VALIDATE_INT, 	
         "options"=>array("min_range"=>20,"max_range"=>40) ),
      "email" => FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL
   print_r(filter_input_array(INPUT_POST, $filters));

Open the HTML form and enter 30 as age, [email protected] as email, the result will be an array, validating both the inputs −

Array ( [age] => 30 [email] => [email protected] )

Try giving invalid inputs such as “age=15”. The output array will show a null value for age key

Array ( [age] => [email] => [email protected] )


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