The PHP ecosystem has a number of web frameworks. Some of the popular PHP web frameworks are Laravel, Yii, CakePHP etc. While one can build a web application with the help of core PHP, developers are increasingly preferring web frameworks for rapid application development.
What are Software Frameworks?
In computer programming, a software framework is a collection of libraries and classes that provide a generic functionality that allows the developer to concentrate more on the application logic, rather than writing code for routine but tedious low-level processes.
A framework provides a reusable software environment that quickly builds a minimal working template application. Developer can then modify these blocks for additional functionality.
Each framework is built to help the developer build an application of a certain type. For example, web frameworks (sometimes also called “web application framework”) are used for the development of web applications including web services, web resources, and web APIs.
In this chapter, let us take a brief overview of some of the popular PHP frmeworks.
FuelPHP ( works based on Model View Control and having innovative plug ins. FuelPHP supports router-based theory where you might route directly to a nearer the input uri, making the closure the controller and giving it control of further execution.
CakePHP ( is a great source to build up simple and great web application in an easy way. Some great features which are inbuilt in PHP are input validation, SQL injection prevention that keeps you application safe and secure.
FlightPHP ( is very helpful to make RESTful web services and it is under MIT licence.
Symfony is for highly professional developers to build websites with PHP components such as Drupal, PHPBB, laravel, eX, OROCRM and piwik.
YiiFramework ( works based on web 2.0 with high end security. It included input Validation, output filtering, and SQL injection.
Laravel ( is most useful for RESRful Routing and light weight bled tempting engine. Laravel has integrated with some of great components of well tested and reliable code.
Zend ( is Modern frame work for performing high end web applications. This works based on Cryptographic and secure coding tools. Zend Framework is a collection of professional PHP packages with more than 570 million installations.
It can be used to develop web applications and services using PHP 5.6+, and provides 100% object-oriented code using a broad spectrum of language features.
Codeigiter is simple to develop small footprint for developer who need simple and elegant tool kit to create innovative web applications.
Phalcon PHP
Pholcon ( is a PHP framework that works based on MVC and integrated with innovative architecture to do perform faster.
PHPixie ( works based on MVC and designed for fast and reliability to develop web sites.
Agavi is a powerful and scalable PHP5 application framework and it follows the MVC model. Agavi can help PHP developers in writing clean and maintainable code.
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