
Aliases help you not to hard-code absolute paths or URLs in your project. An alias starts with the @ character.

To define an alias you should call the Yii::setAlias() method −

// an alias of a file path
Yii::setAlias('@alias', '/path/to/alias');
// an alias of a URL
Yii::setAlias('@urlAlias', '');

You can also derive a new alias from an existing one −

Yii::setAlias('@pathToSomewhere', '@alias/path/to/somewhere');

You can call the Yii::setAlias() method in the entry script or in a writable property called aliases in the application configuration −

$config = [
   'id' => 'basic',
   'basePath' => dirname(__DIR__),
   'bootstrap' => ['log'],
   'components' => [
      'aliases' => [
         '@alias' => '/path/to/somewhere',
         '@urlAlias' => '',
      //other components...

To resolve alias, you should call the Yii::getAlias() method.

Yii predefines the following aliases −

  • @app − The base path of the application.
  • @yii − The folder where the BaseYii.php file is located.
  • @webroot − The Web root directory of the application.
  • @web − The base URL of the application.
  • @runtime − The runtime path of the application. Defaults to @app/runtime.
  • @vendor − The Composer vendor directory. Defaults to @app/vendor.
  • @npm − The root directory for npm packages. Defaults to @vendor/npm.
  • @bower − The root directory for bower packages. Defaults to @vendor/bower.

Now, add a new function called actionAliases() to the SiteController −

public function actionAliases() {
   Yii::setAlias("@components", "@app/components");
   Yii::setAlias("@imagesUrl", "@web/images");

In the above code, we created two aliases: @components for application components and @imagesUrl for URL where we stored all application images.

Type http://localhost:8080/index.php?r=site/aliases, you will see the following output −

Set Aliases


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