Cookie & Session Management

Cookie provides client side data storage and it supports only a small amount of data. Usually, it is 2KB per domain and it depends on the browser. Session provides server side data storage and it supports a large amount of data. Let us go through how to create cookie and session in FuelPHP web application.


FuelPHP provides a Cookie class to create a cookie item. Cookie class is used to create, assign, and delete cookies.

Configure Cookie

The Cookie class can be configured globally through the main application configuration file, located at fuel/app/config/config.php. It is defined as follows.

'cookie' => array (  
   //Number of seconds before the cookie expires 
   'expiration'  => 0,  
   //Restrict the path that the cookie is available to 
   'path'        => '/',  
   //Restrict the domain that the cookie is available to 
   'domain'      => null,  
   // Only transmit cookies over secure connections 
   'secure'      => false,  
   // Only transmit cookies over HTTP, disabling Javascript access 
   'http_only'   => false, 


Cookie class provides methods to create, access, and delete a cookie item. They are as follows −


set method is used to create a Cookie variable. It contains the following arguments,

  • $name − The key in the $_COOKIE array.
  • $value − The value of the cookie.
  • $expiration − Number of seconds the cookie should last for.
  • $path − The path on the server in which the cookie will be available on.
  • $domain − The domain that the cookie is available to.
  • $secure − Set to true if you only want to transmit cookies over secure connections.
  • $httponly − Allow only transmit of cookies over HTTP, disabling JavaScript access.
Cookie::set('theme', 'green');


The get method is used to read a Cookie variable. It contains the following arguments,

  • $name − The key in the $_COOKIE array.
  • $value − The value to return if the key is not available i the $_COOKIE array.


The delete method is used to delete a Cookie variable. It contains the following arguments,

  • $name − The key in the $_COOKIE array.
  • $value − The value of the cookie.
  • $domain − The domain that the cookie is available to.
  • $secure − Set to true if you only want to transmit cookies over secure connections.
  • $httponly − Allow only to transmit cookies over HTTP, disabling JavaScript access.


FuelPHP provides class, Session to maintain state of the application.

Configure Session

Session class can be configured through the special configuration file, fuel/core/config/session.php. Some of the important configuration entries are as follows −

  • auto_initialize − Initialize the session automatically.
  • driver − Name of the session driver. Session is implemented using driver and the possible options are cookie, db, memcached, redis, and file. The default driver is cookie.
  • match_ip − Check the client IP.
  • match_ua − Check the client user agent.
  • expiration_time − Session time out value in seconds.
  • rotation_time − Time to renew the session.

Session Methods

Session class provides methods to manipulate the session data. They are as follows,


The instance method returns a default or a specific instance, which is identified by name.

$session = Session::instance();            // default instance 
$session = Session::instance('myseesion'); // specific instance


The set method is used to assign a Session variable.

Session::set('userid', $userid);


The get method allows you to retrieve the stored variables from the session.

$userid = Session::get('userid'); 


The delete method allows you to delete a stored session variable.



The create method allows you to create a new session. If a session is already present, it will be destroyed and a new session is created.



The destroy method is used to destroy an existing session.



The read method allows you to read a session.



The write method allows you to write the session.



The key method allows you retrieve elements of the session key. The value of the key is unique.

$session_id = Session::key('session_id'); 


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