Industry support

There are thousands of open-source libraries for Node.js, most of which are hosted on the npm website. Multiple developer conferences and events are held that support the Node.js community, including NodeConf, Node Interactive and Node Summit, as well as a number of regional events.

The open-source community has developed web frameworks to accelerate the development of applications. Such frameworks include Express.js, Socket.IO, Sails.js, Next.js and Meteor.[17][40] Various packages have also been created for interfacing with other languages or runtime environments such as Microsoft .NET.[41]

Modern daesktop IDEs provide editing and debugging features specifically for Node.js applications. Such IDEs include Atom, Brackets, JetBrains WebStorm,[42][43] Microsoft Visual Studio (with Node.js Tools for Visual Studio,[44] or TypeScript with Node definitions[45][46][47][48]), NetBeans,[49] Nodeclipse Enide Studio[50] (Eclipse-based) and Visual Studio Code.[51][52] Some online IDEs also support Node.js, such as Codeanywhere, Eclipse Che, Cloud9 IDE and the visual flow editor in Node-RED.

Node.js is supported across a number of cloud-hosting platforms such as Jelastic, Google Cloud Platform, AWS Elastic Beanstalk, Azure Web Apps and Joyent.


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