Benefits of Phalcon Framework


The main motivation and goal of designing the Phalcon framework is to speed up code execution, reduce resource usage, and better process large volumes of users. In addition, the most important advantage of the Phalcon framework over its peers is the efficient use of memory, which in principle makes the language more efficient and effective.

In fact, because the Phalcon framework does not use any kernel files, the number of requests per second (Request Per Second) is much lower than other frameworks.

Statistics show that the Phalcon framework is capable of completing 1,400 requests per second, while other frameworks take longer to do so.

Also, with the Phalcon framework, fewer files are used for each request, which results in the excellent performance and speed of this framework. In the image below, the huge difference between Phalcon and other frameworks is quite obvious:

The Phalcon framework completes 1000 requests in less than a second, while other frameworks perform much worse.

The Phalcon framework is a combination of PHP and C programming languages, each of which works separately with different modules. This will increase the speed of data collection from the database and make it as easy as possible.


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