Models allows user to implement events when operation such as insert/update/delete is implemented to define business rules.
The following are the events supported by Phalcon\Mvc\Model:
Operation | Name | Description |
Inserting | afterCreate | It runs after the required operation over the database system only when an inserting operation is being made. |
Updating | afterUpdate | It runs after the required operation over the database system only when an updating operation is being made. |
Inserting/Updating | afterSave | It runs after the required operation over the database system. |
Inserting/Updating | afterValidation | It is executed after the fields are validated for not nulls/empty strings or foreign keys. |
Inserting | afterValidationOnCreate | It is executed after the fields are validated for not nulls/empty strings or foreign keys when an insertion operation is being made. |
Updating | afterValidationOnUpdate | It is executed after the fields are validated for not nulls/empty strings or foreign keys when an updating operation is being made. |
Inserting/Updating | beforeValidation | It is executed before the fields are validated for not nulls/empty strings or foreign keys. |
Inserting | beforeCreate | It runs before the required operation over the database system only when an inserting operation is being made. |
Inserting/Updating | beforeSave | It runs before the required operation over the database system. |
namespace Phalcon\Tutorial;
use Phalcon\Mvc\Model;
class Tutorial extends Model
public function beforeValidationOnCreate()
echo 'This is executed before creating a class Tutorial!';
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