Phalcon Model Transactions

A model transaction helps to maintain the integrity of the database after the operations such as insert/delete/update/rollback etc. Transaction checks whether the operations are successfully completed or not before committing the database.

Transactions are of 3 types:

  1. Manual Transactions
  2. Implicit Transactions
  3. Isolated Transactions

Manual Transactions

This method is used when there is only one connection and easy transaction. This transaction can be created by just moving the current connection into transaction mode and then commit or rollback the operation whether it is successful or not.




use Phalcon\Mvc\Controller;  


class Cars extends Controller  


    public function saveAction()  


        // Start a transaction  



        $cars = new Cars();  


        $car->name       = 'Gallardo';  

        $car->created_at = date('Y-m-d');  


        // The model failed to save, so rollback the transaction  

        if ($car->save() === false) {  





        $carprice= new CarPrice();  


        $carprice ->car_id = $car->id;  

        $ carprice ->type      = 'head';  


        // The model failed to save, so rollback the transaction  

        if ($carprice ->save() === false) {  






        // Commit the transaction  





Phalcon Model Transaction 1

Implicit Transactions

Implicit transaction ensures that the data is stored correctly.




$carprice = new CarPrice();  


$carprice->type = 'head';  


$car = new Cars();  


$car->name       = 'Gallardo';  

$car->created_at = date('Y-m-d');  

$car->carprice  = $carprice;  


// Creates an implicit transaction to store both records  


Isolated Transactions

Isolated transactions are executed in a new connection ensuring that all the generated SQL, virtual foreign key checks and business rules are isolated from the main connection.




use Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Transaction\Failed as TxFailed;  

use Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Transaction\Manager as TxManager;  


try {  

    // Create a transaction manager  

    $manager = new TxManager();  


    // Request a transaction  

    $transaction = $manager->get();  


    $car = new Car();  




    $car->name       = 'Gallardo';  

    $car->created_at = date('Y-m-d');  


    if ($car->save() === false) {  


            'Cannot save car?  




    $carprice = new CarPrice();  




    $carprice->car_id = $car->id;  

    $carprice->type      = 'head';  


    if ($carprice->save() === false) {  


            'Cannot save car price'  





} catch (TxFailed $e) {  

    echo 'Failed, reason: ', $e->getMessage();  



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