Phalcon Models

Model consists of information or data of the application. It manipulates the data by managing the rules. It is found under directory Phalcon\Mvc\Model which remain same for all basic application.

It provides following services:

  • Database Independence
  • CRUD functionality
  • Advanced finding capabilities
  • Ability to relate models

Below are the lists of some features which can be Enable/Disable specific feature:

astCacheEnables/Disables callbacks, hooks and event notifications from all the models.null
columnRenamingEnables/Disables the column renaming.true
disableAssignSettersAllow disabling setters in your model.false
eventsEnables/Disables callbacks, hooks and event notifications from all the models.true
exceptionOnFailedSaveEnables/Disables throwing an exception when there is a failed save().false
lateStateBindingEnables/Disables late state binding of the Phalcon\Mvc\Model::cloneResultMap()method.false
notNullValidationsThe ORM automatically validate the not null columns present in the mapped tabletrue
phqlLiteralsEnables/Disables literals in the PHQL parsertrue
updateSnapshotOnSaveEnables/Disables updating snapshots on save().true

Creating Models

Model is a class that extends Phalcon\Mvc\Model. In creating models, initialize() method is used which is called only once during the request.


namespace Phalcon\Tutorial;  

use Phalcon\Mvc\Model;  

class CarPrice extends Model  


    public function initialize()  






    But if we want to perform initialize task for every instance we uses onConstruct() method.

    namespace Phalcon\Tutorial;  
    use Phalcon\Mvc\Model;  
    class CarPrice extends Model  
        public function onConstruct()  
            // ...  


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