Demonstrative pronouns

That, this, these, and those are demonstrative pronouns. They can point directly to an antecedent or replace one that has already been mentioned or is clear through context.

This is used for singular items that are nearby. These is used for multiple items that are nearby. The distance can be physical or metaphorical. Take a look at these examples:

She looked at the envelope and said“This has no return address, we better add one.”

What a fantastic idea! This is the best thing I’ve heard all day.

If you think gardenias smell nice, try smelling these.

That is used for singular items that are farther away. Those is used for multiple items that are farther away. Again, the distance can be physical or metaphorical. Here are a few examples of these pronouns in action:

That would be a nice place to live,” they said, pointing at the large house.

Some new flavors of soda came in last week. Why don’t you try some of those?

Those aren’t swans, they’re geese.


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