

  • Geo-physics is a specialized branch of Earth science that studies the physical properties and physical process of the Earth.
  • Geophysicists use some quantitative methods and advance technology to analyze the Earth’s properties and process.
  • Technology of geophysics is used to locate mineral resources, mitigate natural hazards, and protection of the environment.
  • Geophysics has been carved out as an independent discipline from different subjects, such as, geology, physical geography, astronomy, meteorology, and physics.

Elements of Geophysics

  • Major elements those are studied under the geophysics are −
    • Shape of the Earth
    • Gravitational force of the Earth
    • Magnetic Fields of the Earth
    • Internal structure of the Earth
    • Composition of the Earth
    • Movement of the Earth’s plate (plate tectonics)
    • Volcanic activity
    • Rock formation
    • Water cycle
    • Fluid dynamics, etc.

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Problems that Geophysicists Address

  • Following are the problem areas that geophysicists address −
    • Building highways and bridges
    • Mapping and exploration of mineral resources
    • Mapping and exploration of water
    • Mapping the earthquake and volcanic regions
    • Geological mapping
    • Archeology discovery
    • Construction of dam and its safety
    • Forensic discovery (finding the buried dead bodies)

Techniques and Technology of Geophysics

  • Following are the major techniques and technology of geophysics −
    • Geo-magnetism
    • Electromagnetics
    • Polarization
    • Seismic technology
    • Ground penetrating radar (GPR), etc.

Benefits of Geophysics

  • Following are the major benefits of geophysics −
    • Researching and studying archeological sites without destroying them
    • Designing environmental friendly urban architecture
    • Locating and judiciously exploiting natural resources
    • Helping in mitigation of natural hazards such as landslide, earthquake, etc


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