Nobel Prize In Physics


  • The Nobel Prize in Physics is the most prestigious award given yearly by the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences.
  • The Noble prize is given to those physicists who conferred the most outstanding contributions for mankind (in physics).
  • Wilhelm Röntgen, a German/Dutch physicist, was the first person who had received the first Nobel Prize in 1901.
  • Wilhelm Röntgen had received the Nobel Prize for discovery of the remarkable x-rays).
  • In the field of physics (by the time), only two women have won the Nobel Prize, namely Marie Curie (in 1903) and Maria Goeppert Mayer (in 1963).
  • The following table illustrates some of the significant physicists who have received the Nobel Prize along with their remarkable works −
NameYear: CountryWork
Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen1901: GermanyDiscovery of the remarkable rays
Hendrik Lorentz1902: NetherlandsWorked on the influence of magnetism upon radiation phenomena
Pieter Zeeman
Antoine Henri Becquerel1903: FranceSpontaneous radioactivity
Pierre CurieRadiation phenomena
Maria Skłodowska-Curie1903: Poland/France
Philipp Eduard Anton von Lenard1905: Austria-HungaryWorked on cathode rays
Guglielmo Marconi1909: ItalyDevelopment of wireless telegraphy
Karl Ferdinand Braun1909: Germany
Max Planck1918: GermanyDiscovered energy quanta
Johannes Stark1919: GermanyDiscovered Doppler effect in canal rays
Albert Einstein1921: Germany-SwitzerlandFor the discovery of the law of the photoelectric effect
Niels Bohr1922: DenmarkInvestigated the structure of atoms
Chandrasekhara Venkata Raman1930: IndiaWorked on scattering of light
Werner Heisenberg1932: GermanyCreated quantum mechanics
Erwin Schrödinger1933: AustriaDiscovered productive forms of atomic theory
Paul Dirac1933: United Kingdom
James Chadwick1935: UKDiscovered Neutron
Victor Francis Hess1936: AustriaDiscovered cosmic radiation
Willis Eugene Lamb1955: USDiscovered the fine structure of the hydrogen spectrum
Emilio Gino Segrè1959: ItalyDiscovered the antiproton
Owen Chamberlain1959: US
Lev Davidovich Landau1962: Soviet UnionTheories for condensed matter
Maria Goeppert-Mayer1963: USDiscovered nuclear shell structure
J. Hans D. Jensen1963: Germany
Hans Albrecht Bethe1967: USWorked on the theory of nuclear reactions
Murray Gell-Mann1969: USClassification of elementary particles and their interaction
Hannes Olof Gösta Alfvén1970: SwedenWorked on plasma physics
Louis Néel1970: FranceWorked solid state physics (antiferromagnetism and ferrimagnetism)
Dennis Gabor1971: Hungary-UKDeveloped the holographic method
John Bardeen1972: USDeveloped the theory of superconductivity
Leon Neil Cooper
John Robert Schrieffer
Arno Allan Penzias1978: USDiscovered cosmic microwave background radiation
Robert Woodrow Wilson
Nicolaas Bloembergen1981: Netherlands-USDeveloped laser spectroscopy
Arthur Leonard Schawlow1981: US
Ernst Ruska1986: GermanyDesigned the first electron microscope
Johannes Georg Bednorz1987: GermanyDiscovered the superconductivity in ceramic materials
Karl Alexander Müller1987: Switzerland
Robert B. Laughlin1998: USDiscovered a new form of quantum fluid
Horst Ludwig Störmer1998: Germany
Daniel Chee Tsui1998: China-US
Jack St. Clair Kilby2000: USDeveloped integrated circuit
Riccardo Giacconi2002: Italy-USDiscovered cosmic X-ray sources
Roy J. Glauber2005: USWorked on the quantum theory of optical coherence
Willard S. Boyle2009: Canada-USInvented an imaging semiconductor circuit – the CCD sensor
George E. Smith2009: US
Takaaki Kajita2015: JapanDiscovered neutrino oscillations, which illustrations that the neutrinos have mass


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