The solar system includes several non-steller objects that comprise gases as well as lesser bodies. The sun locates in the center of this system and all the planets are turning around the Sun. The planets are also surrounded by their satellites. Besides this, countless asteroid comets along with different icy bodies are included in the solar system. This system is divided into two different groups’ rocky planets and gas planets. The rocky planets comprise the closest four planets like
- “Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars” which are made of different solid rocks as well as metal.
- The gas planets include the last four planets “Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune” because these planets are made of different gases like “Hydrogen, Helium, and Methane” except oxygen so there is no life on all these planets.
The gas planets are too cool to live for any kind of life and these planets are bigger than the rocky planets.
What is the solar system?

Figure 1: The solar system
The solar system originated millions of millions of years ago with the comprises of the sun, planets satellites, comets as well as asteroids. The origin of the solar system became possible for the law of motion of Newton and the gravitational law that was published in 1687 (Glavinet al .2019). A Swedish scientist Emanuel Swedenborg 1734 proposed a model for the origin of the solar planet. According to this scientist, the Sun broke into several pieces that form each of the pierce a planet was originated. In the initial stage, the planets were very hot but with time the planets get their shape (Glavinet al .2019). As per the law of “conservation of angular momentum” with the size reduction the rotational velocity of the sun becomes increased and the strong gravitational force of the sun aggregates all the planets surrounding it.
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Components of the solar system

Figure 2: Gravitational force
The components of the solar system also include dwarf planets like Pluto asteroids and other small particles. This system is in the center of the “Milky Way galaxy” that rotates at the speed of “515,000 mph”. According to scientists, the solar system takes more than 230 million years to complete the galactic center (Kruijer, Kleine& Borg, 2020). Three different types of galaxies can be seen in the solar system such as elliptical, spiral, as well as irregular galaxies.
The Milky Way belongs to a spiral galaxy. More than 200 moons can be seen in the solar system with four enormous planets. Several dust particles and charged gases are called plasma. The sun and the earth is the most significant part of this solar system (Kruijer, Kleine& Borg, 2020). Mercury is the smallest and the Jupiter is the biggest planet in the solar system.
Significant compositions and importance’s of the solar system
The solar system contains various matters among which the Sun possesses 99.85%. The planets, formed from the same disk materials are 0.135%. The portion of comets in the solar system is around 0.01%. The satellites are of 0.00005% composition. There are some minor planets as well with 0.0000002% (Lodders, 2021).
The range of meteoroids is 0.0000001% and the composition of the interplanetary medium is around 0.0000001%. Interplanetary space is an important part of the whole solar system.

Figure 3: Origin of the solar system
The planets in the solar system
Mercury is one of the most important and the closest planet to the Sun. the distance between this planet and the Sun is early 3032 miles and this is the smallest planet in the solar system. The atmosphere of this planet is not suitable and capable of protecting this from the Sun’s harmful radiation.
The name of this planet is derived from the Roman messenger of Gods. Another important planet and the second nearest planet to the Sun is Venus. This planet is the hottest one among all other planets in the solar system.
As per the report of NASA, this planet is slightly small than the earth (Nesvorny, 2018). The Discovery of phosphine in Venus’s atmosphere arise a sense of expectation about the availability of life on this planet. The earth is another and probably the most important planet in the solar systems.
Till now this is the only planet where is life. The atmosphere of the Earth is capable of protecting this planet from the Sun’s radiation and heat. The red planet of the solar system is Mars on which the temperature remains around -600C. The biggest planet in the solar system is Jupiter. As stated by NASA, this planet is surrounded by many moons. The second-largest planet in the solar system is Saturn (Bahamonde, Said &Zubair, 2020). Uranus is the seventh planet of the solar system and is made of mainly methane, water, and ice ammonia. The last planet is Neptune which has 14 moons.
Different forms of energy are included and available in this type of planetary system. Interplanetary gas is another important component of the solar system which is of charged particles, electrons, and protons. The wind, coming from the Sun is known as the solar wind. Each part of the solar system plays an important role in maintaining the balance of life and energy. Production of life and oxygen, necessary in life is also maintained by the changes and components of the solar system.
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