Electronic communication systems dissolve the communication power to both the positive and negative impacts. Analogue or digital signals are fed to the system, processed in the circuits electronically for transmission and then deduced by the receiver.
Electronic communication systems are said to be highly reliable and efficient when the errors are minimised in the procedures. Social networking is the most utilised electronic communication system among the rest. People utilise mostly to share their opinion, and views on a respective matter through the assistance of social media platforms.
What is an electronic communication system?
Electronic communication is referred to as the sort of communication that is viewed, stored, transmitted or broadcasted utilising the electronic media such as phones, email, video and computers. Electronic communication in recent days provides immense benefit in the quick transformation of the data (Saregar et al. 2019).
One can send the data to distant people within a second with the assistance of electronic media.

Figure 1: Electronic communication system
In this digitalisation, communications have been enhanced with a broader range and it is possible and accessible only with the assistance of electronic communication systems. A lot of transformation has gradually occurred in the workspace, areas and society because of the Electronic communication system (Pollacco et al. 2018).
This source of communication is developed by transmitting information such as images, graphics, pictures, sounds, software, maps and many more
Types of communication systems
Communication systems are classified into different types which include analogue and digital
- Analogue communication utilises analogue signals for the transference of information. Analogue communication utilises the signals that are represented by the sine waves. Analogue is mentioned as the constant time-varying signal where communication exchanges between two or more with the specified source. The messages created by the sources are generally in the form of analogue which is converted to digital type and then transmitted
- A digital communication system utilises digital signals for information transmission

Figure 2: Classifications of electronic communication system
Electronic communication systems are categorised into distinct types which include messaging, voice calls, email, social media and many more. Communication medium has gradually transformed and developed due to the manner public communicates with each other for distinct purposes (Yazdeen et al. 2021).
Electronic communication systems make life more feasible with their wider reach to people across different parts of the world.
Uses of Electronic communication system
- Electronic communication system lets individuals combine multiple media such as texts, graphics, sounds, video and others in a single message.
- These consequences are meaningful interactions tailored to the nature of a specific audience. Narrowcasting and broadcasting represent the capability to improve numerous communications for the market subset.
- As opined by Marković et al. (2020), electronic communication is quite interactive and involves the individual in two-way communications more actively. Electronic communication systems are used widely in every sector as it makes a new form of many-to-many interactions. Many organisational and business sectors utilise the facilities of electronic communication systems such as WWW (World Wide Web) as their personal interaction tools to enhance the effectiveness of teamwork.
Terms used in Electronic communication systems
Some of the common terms that are mostly utilised in Electronic communication system are −
- Signals − Data is required to be converted into some digital type before it can be transformed electronically. A signal is demonstrated as that information which has been changed into digital type
- Communication channel − The channel of communication is demonstrated as the medium by which a signal is transformed from the receiver or sender. The channel of communication can be simple copper or even a satellite system
- Transducer − A transducer is referred to as the device that transfigures one energy form into the other. It is basically a device in the communication system electronically which transforms one physical variable type such as force, pressure and temperature (Luo et al. 2020). A basic example of a transducer is a phone’s receiver
- Amplification − Amplification is referred to as the procedure of strengthening the signal’s amplitude utilising the electronic circuit. The amplitude of the signal gets low when the length between the receiver and sender’s signal is too large. In attaining this issue, amplification of that signal is carried out to rejuvenate the power.
Figure 3: Reception and transmission of voice signals
- Modulation − Modulation is described as the act of data added to the optical-electronic waveform. The information is added by changing the phase of frequency of the waveform. Modulation in every case is extremely required because data is transferred and created via signals possessing low frequencies mostly (Feng et al. 2022).
- A low-frequency signal is highly allowable for attenuation and it cannot be transmitted to the locations for long-distance. The original carrier wave possessing a low frequency is superimposed upon the carrier wave of high frequency. The complete procedure is termed modulation where AM and FM are considered major instances
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