This tutorial provides you the most commonly used Oracle string functions that help you manipulate character strings more effectively.
Function | Example | Result | Purpose |
ASCII | ASCII(‘A’) | 65 | Returns an ASCII code value of a character. |
CHR | CHR(’65’) | ‘A’ | Converts a numeric value to its corresponding ASCII character. |
CONCAT | CONCAT(‘A’,’BC’) | ‘ABC’ | Concatenate two strings and return the combined string. |
CONVERT | CONVERT( ‘Ä Ê Í’, ‘US7ASCII’, ‘WE8ISO8859P1’ ) | ‘A E I’ | Convert a character string from one character set to another. |
DUMP | DUMP(‘A’) | Typ=96 Len=1: 65 | Return a string value (VARCHAR2) that includes the datatype code, length measured in bytes, and internal representation of a specified expression. |
INITCAP | INITCAP(‘hi there’) | ‘Hi There’ | Converts the first character in each word in a specified string to uppercase and the rest to lowercase. |
INSTR | INSTR( ‘This is a playlist’, ‘is’) | 3 | Search for a substring and return the location of the substring in a string |
LENGTH | LENGTH(‘ABC’) | 3 | Return the number of characters (or length) of a specified string |
LOWER | LOWER(‘Abc’) | ‘abc’ | Return a string with all characters converted to lowercase. |
LPAD | LPAD(‘ABC’,5,’*’) | ‘**ABC’ | Return a string that is left-padded with the specified characters to a certain length. |
LTRIM | LTRIM(‘ ABC ‘) | ‘ABC ‘ | Remove spaces or other specified characters in a set from the left end of a string. |
REGEXP_COUNT | REGEXP_COUNT(‘1 2 3 abc’,’\d’) | 3 | Return the number of times a pattern occurs in a string. |
REGEXP_INSTR | REGEXP_INSTR( ‘Y2K problem’,’\d+’) | 2 | Return the position of a pattern in a string. |
REGEXP_LIKE | REGEXP_LIKE( ‘Year of 2017′,’\d+’ ) | true | Match a string based on a regular expression pattern. |
REGEXP_REPLACE | REGEXP_REPLACE( ‘Year of 2017′,’\d+’, ‘Dragon’ ) | ‘Year of Dragon’ | Replace substring in a string by a new substring using a regular expression. |
REGEXP_SUBSTR | REGEXP_SUBSTR( ‘Number 10’, ‘\d+’ ) | 10 | Extract substrings from a string using a pattern of a regular expression. |
REPLACE | REPLACE(‘JACK AND JOND’,’J’,’BL’); | ‘BLACK AND BLOND’ | Replace all occurrences of a substring by another substring in a string. |
RPAD | RPAD(‘ABC’,5,’*’) | ‘ABC**’ | Return a string that is right-padded with the specified characters to a certain length. |
RTRIM | RTRIM(‘ ABC ‘) | ‘ ABC’ | Remove all spaces or specified character in a set from the right end of a string. |
SOUNDEX | SOUNDEX(‘sea’) | ‘S000’ | Return a phonetic representation of a specified string. |
SUBSTR | SUBSTR(‘Oracle Substring’, 1, 6 ) | ‘Oracle’ | Extract a substring from a string. |
TRANSLATE | TRANSLATE(‘12345’, ‘143’, ‘bx’) | ‘b2x5’ | Replace all occurrences of characters by other characters in a string. |
TRIM | TRIM(‘ ABC ‘) | ‘ABC’ | Remove the space character or other specified characters either from the start or end of a string. |
UPPER | UPPER(‘Abc’) | ‘ABC’ | Convert all characters in a specified string to uppercase. |
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