
PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor) is an open-source server-side scripting language primarily used for web development. PHP can be embedded into HTML code.

PHP is mainly used for server-side scripting, which runs scripts on the web server and then forwards the HTML they process to the web browser on the client. This makes it possible for programmers to design dynamic webpages that can manage sessions, handle forms, communicate with databases, and carry out a variety of other duties necessary for online applications.

Features of PHP

Over the years, PHP has incorporated numerous features. It is being consistently upgraded with new features and code revisions. In this chapter, let’s highlight some of the key features of PHP:

PHP Features

PHP is Simple and Easy to Learn

The syntax of PHP compared to that of C, Java, and Perl, which makes it rather simple for developers to comprehend, particularly for those who are already familiar with other programming languages. Web apps can be developed quickly because of its generous pre-defined functions.

PHP is Open Source

PHP is free and open-source, meaning we can download it for free, and anyone can use it, modify it, and distribute. This encourages a sizable and vibrant developer community that uses forums, tutorials, and documentation to support and contribute to its development.

PHP is Cross-Platform Compatible

Numerous operating systems including Windows, Linux, macOS, and UNIX; and different databases like MongoDB, PostgreSQL, MySQL are compatible with PHP.

PHP-based apps can operate on several environments without requiring any modifications due to this cross-platform inter-operability.

Server-Side Scripting in PHP

PHP is mainly used for server-side scripting, which runs scripts on the web server and then forwards the HTML they process to the web browser on the client. It helps the developers in Form Submission and Session Management with users across multiple requests.

PHP Supports Easy Integration with Databases

PHP offers strong database interaction support for various DBMS. It offers numerous built-in functions to achieve the database connection.

PHP also includes database abstraction layer which integrates the communication between the application and the database. This makes it simple for developers to design database-driven web applications.

PHP Provides Extensive Library Support

PHP provides extensive libraries for various functionalities like image processing, encryption, PDF generation, parsing XML and JSON, handling sessions and cookies, and much more.

Security Features in PHP

PHP provides a plethora of built-in functions for data encryption. Developers can also leverage third-party applications for security.

PHP employs security algorithms like Sha1 and MD5 to encrypt strings. Additionally, functions like filter_var and strip_tags contribute in maintaining a secure environment for the users. PHP also supports secure communication protocols like HTTPS.

Efficient Memory and Session Management in PHP

PHP is a reliable language due to its efficient memory management and session management. It avoids unnecessary memory allocation.

PHP code runs in its own memory space which makes it faster compared to other scripting languages making it more efficient. In PHP, the database connections are also fast.

PHP Has Active Community and Support

Since PHP is an open-source platform, it has a vibrant community of developers who actively contribute to its development, share knowledge, provide support, and create third-party tools and frameworks.

Due to this active community support, PHP remains up-to-date and developers can easily seek help from other community members in case they get any errors or exceptions while writing PHP codes.


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