PHP var_dump() Function

ne of the built-in functions in PHP is the var_dump() function. This function displays structured information such as type and the value of one or more expressions given as arguments to this function.


This function returns all the public, private and protected properties of the objects in the output. The dump information about arrays and objects is properly indented to show the recursive structure.

For the built-in integer, float and Boolean varibles, the var_dump() function shows the type and value of the argument variable.

Example 1

For example, here is an integer variable −

   $x = 10;  
   var_dump ($x);

The dump information is as follows −


Example 2

Let’s see how it behaves for a float variable −

   $x = 10.25;  
   var_dump ($x);

The var_dump() function returns the following output −


Example 3

If the expression is a Boolean value −

   $x = true;  
   var_dump ($x);

It will produce the following output −


Example 4

For a string variable, the var_dump() function returns the length of the string also.

   $x = "Hello World"; 
   var_dump ($x);  

It will produce the following output −

string(11) "Hello World"

Here we can use the <pre> HTML tag that dislays preformatted text. Text in a <pre> element is displayed in a fixed-width font, and the text preserves both the spaces and the line breaks.

   echo "<pre>";
   $x = "Hello World"; 
   var_dump ($x);  
   echo "</pre>"

It will produce the following output −

string(11) "Hello World"

Example 5 – Studying the Array Structure Using var_dump()

The var_dump() function is useful to study the array structure. In the following example, we have an array with one of the elements of the array being another array. In other words, we have a nested array situation.

   $x = array("Hello", false, 99.99, array(10, 20,30));
   var_dump ($x);

It will produce the following output −

array(4) {
  string(5) "Hello"
  array(3) {

Example 6

Since “$x” is an indexed array in the previous example, the index starting with “0” along with its value is dumped. In case the array is an associate array, the key-value pair information is dumped.

   $x = array(
      "Hello", false, 99.99, 
      array(1=>10, 2=>20,3=>30)

Here, you will get the following output −

array(4) {
  string(5) "Hello"
  array(3) {

When you use var_dump() to show array value, there is no need of using the end tag ” </pre> “.

Example 7

The var_dump() function can als reveal the properties of an object representing a class. In the following example, we have declared a Point class with two private properties “x” and “y”. The class constructor initializes the object “p” with the parameters passed to it.

The var_dump() function provides the information about the object properties and their corrcponding values.

   class Point {
      private int $x;
      private int $y;

      public function __construct(int $x, int $y = 0) {
         $this->x = $x;
         $this->y = $y;

   $p = new Point(4, 5);

It will produce the following output −

object(Point)#1 (2) {

There is a similar built-in function for producing dump in PHP, named as get_defined_vars().


It will dump all the defined variables to the browser.


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