keras.ops.cast(x, dtype)

Cast a tensor to the desired dtype.


  • x: A tensor or variable.
  • dtype: The target type.


A tensor of the specified dtype.


>>> x = keras.ops.arange(4)
>>> x = keras.ops.cast(x, dtype="float16")

cond function

keras.ops.cond(pred, true_fn, false_fn)

Conditionally applies true_fn or false_fn.


  • pred: Boolean scalar type
  • true_fn: Callable returning the output for the pred == True case.
  • false_fn: Callable returning the output for the pred == False case.


The output of either true_fn or false_fn depending on pred.

convert_to_numpy function


Convert a tensor to a NumPy array.


  • x: A tensor.


A NumPy array.

convert_to_tensor function

keras.ops.convert_to_tensor(x, dtype=None, sparse=None)

Convert a NumPy array to a tensor.


  • x: A NumPy array.
  • dtype: The target type.
  • sparse: Whether to keep sparse tensors. False will cause sparse tensors to be densified. The default value of None means that sparse tensors are kept only if the backend supports them.


A tensor of the specified dtype.


>>> x = np.array([1, 2, 3])
>>> y = keras.ops.convert_to_tensor(x)

erf function


Computes the error function of x, element-wise.


  • x: Input tensor.


A tensor with the same dtype as x.


>>> x = np.array([-3.0, -2.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1.0])
>>> keras.ops.erf(x)
array([-0.99998 , -0.99532, -0.842701,  0.,  0.842701], dtype=float32)

erfinv function


Computes the inverse error function of x, element-wise.


  • x: Input tensor.


A tensor with the same dtype as x.


>>> x = np.array([-0.5, -0.2, -0.1, 0.0, 0.3])
>>> keras.ops.erfinv(x)
array([-0.47694, -0.17914, -0.08886,  0. ,  0.27246], dtype=float32)

extract_sequences function

keras.ops.extract_sequences(x, sequence_length, sequence_stride)

Expands the dimension of last axis into sequences of sequence_length.

Slides a window of size sequence_length over the last axis of the input with a stride of sequence_stride, replacing the last axis with [num_sequences, sequence_length] sequences.

If the dimension along the last axis is N, the number of sequences can be computed by:

num_sequences = 1 + (N - sequence_length) // sequence_stride


  • x: Input tensor.
  • sequence_length: An integer representing the sequences length.
  • sequence_stride: An integer representing the sequences hop size.


A tensor of sequences with shape […, num_sequences, sequence_length].


>>> x = keras.ops.convert_to_tensor([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6])
>>> extract_sequences(x, 3, 2)
array([[1, 2, 3],
   [3, 4, 5]])

fori_loop function

keras.ops.fori_loop(lower, upper, body_fun, init_val)

For loop implementation.


  • lower: The initial value of the loop variable.
  • upper: The upper bound of the loop variable.
  • body_fun: A callable that represents the loop body. Must take two arguments: the loop variable and the loop state. The loop state should be updated and returned by this function.
  • init_val: The initial value of the loop state.


The final state after the loop.


>>> lower = 0
>>> upper = 10
>>> body_fun = lambda i, s: (i + 1, s + i)
>>> init_val = 0
>>> keras.ops.fori_loop(lower, upper, body_fun, init_val)

in_top_k function

keras.ops.in_top_k(targets, predictions, k)

Checks if the targets are in the top-k predictions.


  • targets: A tensor of true labels.
  • predictions: A tensor of predicted labels.
  • k: An integer representing the number of predictions to consider.


A boolean tensor of the same shape as targets, where each element indicates whether the corresponding target is in the top-k predictions.


>>> targets = keras.ops.convert_to_tensor([2, 5, 3])
>>> predictions = keras.ops.convert_to_tensor(
... [[0.1, 0.4, 0.6, 0.9, 0.5],
...  [0.1, 0.7, 0.9, 0.8, 0.3],
...  [0.1, 0.6, 0.9, 0.9, 0.5]])
>>> in_top_k(targets, predictions, k=3)
array([ True False  True], shape=(3,), dtype=bool)

is_tensor function


Check whether the given object is a tensor.

Note: This checks for backend specific tensors so passing a TensorFlow tensor would return False if your backend is PyTorch or JAX.


  • x: A variable.


True if x is a tensor, otherwise False.

logsumexp function

keras.ops.logsumexp(x, axis=None, keepdims=False)

Computes the logarithm of sum of exponentials of elements in a tensor.


  • x: Input tensor.
  • axis: An integer or a tuple of integers specifying the axis/axes along which to compute the sum. If None, the sum is computed over all elements. Defaults toNone.
  • keepdims: A boolean indicating whether to keep the dimensions of the input tensor when computing the sum. Defaults toFalse.


A tensor containing the logarithm of the sum of exponentials of elements in x.


>>> x = keras.ops.convert_to_tensor([1., 2., 3.])
>>> logsumexp(x)

rsqrt function


Computes reciprocal of square root of x element-wise.


  • x: input tensor


A tensor with the same dtype as x.


>>> x = keras.ops.convert_to_tensor([1.0, 10.0, 100.0])
>>> keras.ops.rsqrt(x)
array([1.0, 0.31622776, 0.1], dtype=float32)

scatter function

keras.ops.scatter(indices, values, shape)

Returns a tensor of shape shape where indices are set to values.

At a high level, this operation does zeros[indices] = updates and returns the output. It is equivalent to:

zeros = keras.ops.zeros(shape)
output = keras.ops.scatter_update(zeros, indices, values)


  • indices: A tensor or list/tuple specifying indices for the values in values.
  • values: A tensor, the values to be set at indices.
  • shape: Shape of the output tensor.


>>> indices = [[0, 1], [1, 1]]
>>> values = np.array([1., 1.])
>>> keras.ops.scatter(indices, values, shape=(2, 2))
array([[0., 1.],
       [0., 1.]])

scatter_update function

keras.ops.scatter_update(inputs, indices, updates)

Update inputs via updates at scattered (sparse) indices.

At a high level, this operation does inputs[indices] = updates. Assume inputs is a tensor of shape (D0, D1, ..., Dn), there are 2 main usages of scatter_update.

  1. indices is a 2D tensor of shape (num_updates, n), where num_updates is the number of updates to perform, and updates is a 1D tensor of shape (num_updates,). For example, if inputs is zeros((4, 4, 4)), and we want to update inputs[1, 2, 3] and inputs[0, 1, 3] as 1, then we can use:
inputs = np.zeros((4, 4, 4))
indices = [[1, 2, 3], [0, 1, 3]]
updates = np.array([1., 1.])
inputs = keras.ops.scatter_update(inputs, indices, updates)

indices is a 2D tensor of shape (num_updates, k), where num_updates is the number of updates to perform, and k (k < n) is the size of each index in indicesupdates is a n - k-D tensor of shape (num_updates, inputs.shape[k:]). For example, if inputs = np.zeros((4, 4, 4)), and we want to update inputs[1, 2, :] and inputs[2, 3, :] as [1, 1, 1, 1], then indices would have shape (num_updates, 2) (k = 2), and updates would have shape (num_updates, 4) (inputs.shape[2:] = 4). See the code below:

inputs = np.zeros((4, 4, 4))
indices = [[1, 2], [2, 3]]
updates = np.array([[1., 1., 1, 1,], [1., 1., 1, 1,])
inputs = keras.ops.scatter_update(inputs, indices, updates)


  • inputs: A tensor, the tensor to be updated.
  • indices: A tensor or list/tuple of shape (N, inputs.ndim), specifying indices to update. N is the number of indices to update, must be equal to the first dimension of updates.
  • updates: A tensor, the new values to be put to inputs at indices.


A tensor, has the same shape and dtype as inputs.

segment_max function

keras.ops.segment_max(data, segment_ids, num_segments=None, sorted=False)

Computes the max of segments in a tensor.


  • data: Input tensor.
  • segment_ids: A 1-D tensor containing segment indices for each element in data.
  • num_segments: An integer representing the total number of segments. If not specified, it is inferred from the maximum value in segment_ids.
  • sorted: A boolean indicating whether segment_ids is sorted. Defaults toFalse.


A tensor containing the max of segments, where each element represents the max of the corresponding segment in data.


>>> data = keras.ops.convert_to_tensor([1, 2, 10, 20, 100, 200])
>>> segment_ids = keras.ops.convert_to_tensor([0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2])
>>> num_segments = 3
>>> keras.ops.segment_max(data, segment_ids, num_segments)
array([2, 20, 200], dtype=int32)

segment_sum function

keras.ops.segment_sum(data, segment_ids, num_segments=None, sorted=False)

Computes the sum of segments in a tensor.


  • data: Input tensor.
  • segment_ids: A 1-D tensor containing segment indices for each element in data.
  • num_segments: An integer representing the total number of segments. If not specified, it is inferred from the maximum value in segment_ids.
  • sorted: A boolean indicating whether segment_ids is sorted. Defaults toFalse.


A tensor containing the sum of segments, where each element represents the sum of the corresponding segment in data.


>>> data = keras.ops.convert_to_tensor([1, 2, 10, 20, 100, 200])
>>> segment_ids = keras.ops.convert_to_tensor([0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2])
>>> num_segments = 3
>>> keras.ops.segment_sum(data, segment_ids,num_segments)
array([3, 30, 300], dtype=int32)

shape function


Gets the shape of the tensor input.

Note: On the TensorFlow backend, when x is a tf.Tensor with dynamic shape, dimensions which are dynamic in the context of a compiled function will have a tf.Tensor value instead of a static integer value.


  • x: A tensor. This function will try to access the shape attribute of the input tensor.


A tuple of integers or None values, indicating the shape of the input tensor.


>>> x = keras.zeros((8, 12))
>>> keras.ops.shape(x)
(8, 12)

slice function

keras.ops.slice(inputs, start_indices, shape)

Return a slice of an input tensor.

At a high level, this operation is an explicit replacement for array slicing e.g. inputs[start_indices: start_indices + shape]. Unlike slicing via brackets, this operation will accept tensor start indices on all backends, which is useful when indices dynamically computed via other tensor operations.

inputs = np.zeros((5, 5))
start_indices = np.array([3, 3])
shape = np.array([2, 2])
inputs = keras.ops.slice(inputs, start_indices, updates)


  • inputs: A tensor, the tensor to be updated.
  • start_indices: A list/tuple of shape (inputs.ndim,), specifying the starting indices for updating.
  • shape: The full shape of the returned slice.


A tensor, has the same shape and dtype as inputs.

slice_update function

keras.ops.slice_update(inputs, start_indices, updates)

Update an input by slicing in a tensor of updated values.

At a high level, this operation does inputs[start_indices: start_indices + updates.shape] = updates. Assume inputs is a tensor of shape (D0, D1, ..., Dn)start_indices must be a list/tuple of n integers, specifying the starting indices. updates must have the same rank as inputs, and the size of each dim must not exceed Di - start_indices[i]. For example, if we have 2D inputs inputs = np.zeros((5, 5)), and we want to update the intersection of last 2 rows and last 2 columns as 1, i.e., inputs[3:, 3:] = np.ones((2, 2)), then we can use the code below:

inputs = np.zeros((5, 5))
start_indices = [3, 3]
updates = np.ones((2, 2))
inputs = keras.ops.slice_update(inputs, start_indices, updates)


  • inputs: A tensor, the tensor to be updated.
  • start_indices: A list/tuple of shape (inputs.ndim,), specifying the starting indices for updating.
  • updates: A tensor, the new values to be put to inputs at indicesupdates must have the same rank as inputs.


A tensor, has the same shape and dtype as inputs.

stop_gradient function


Stops gradient computation.


  • variable: A tensor variable for which the gradient computation is to be disabled.


The variable with gradient computation disabled.


>>> var = keras.backend.convert_to_tensor(
...     [1., 2., 3.],
...     dtype="float32"
... )
>>> var = keras.ops.stop_gradient(var)

top_k function

keras.ops.top_k(x, k, sorted=True)

Finds the top-k values and their indices in a tensor.


  • x: Input tensor.
  • k: An integer representing the number of top elements to retrieve.
  • sorted: A boolean indicating whether to sort the output in descending order. Defaults toTrue.


A tuple containing two tensors. The first tensor contains the top-k values, and the second tensor contains the indices of the top-k values in the input tensor.


>>> x = keras.ops.convert_to_tensor([5, 2, 7, 1, 9, 3])
>>> values, indices = top_k(x, k=3)
>>> print(values)
array([9 7 5], shape=(3,), dtype=int32)
>>> print(indices)
array([4 2 0], shape=(3,), dtype=int32)

unstack function

keras.ops.unstack(x, num=None, axis=0)

Unpacks the given dimension of a rank-R tensor into rank-(R-1) tensors.


  • x: The input tensor.
  • num: The length of the dimension axis. Automatically inferred if None.
  • axis: The axis along which to unpack.


A list of tensors unpacked along the given axis.


>>> x = keras.ops.array([[1, 2], [3, 4]])
>>> keras.ops.unstack(x, axis=0)
[array([1, 2]), array([3, 4])]

vectorized_map function

keras.ops.vectorized_map(function, elements)

Parallel map of function on axis 0 of tensor(s) elements.

Schematically, vectorized_map implements the following, in the case of a single tensor input elements:

def vectorized_map(function, elements)
    outputs = []
    for e in elements:
    return stack(outputs)

In the case of an iterable of tensors elements, it implements the following:

def vectorized_map(function, elements)
    batch_size = elements[0].shape[0]
    outputs = []
    for index in range(batch_size):
        outputs.append(function([e[index] for e in elements]))
    return np.stack(outputs)

In this case, function is expected to take as input a single list of tensor arguments.

while_loop function

keras.ops.while_loop(cond, body, loop_vars, maximum_iterations=None)

While loop implementation.


  • cond: A callable that represents the termination condition of the loop. Must accept a loop_vars like structure as an argument. If loop_vars is a tuple or list, each element of loop_vars will be passed positionally to the callable.
  • body: A callable that represents the loop body. Must accept a loop_vars like structure as an argument, and return update value with the same structure. If loop_vars is a tuple or list, each element of loop_vars will be passed positionally to the callable.
  • loop_vars: An arbitrary nested structure of tensor state to persist across loop iterations.
  • maximum_iterations: Optional maximum number of iterations of the while loop to run. If provided, the cond output is AND-ed with an additional condition ensuring the number of iterations executed is no greater than maximum_iterations.


A list/tuple of tensors, has the same shape and dtype as inputs.


>>> i = 0
>>> cond = lambda i: i < 10
>>> body = lambda i: i + 1
>>> keras.ops.while_loop(cond, body, i)
>>> x, y = 0, 1
>>> cond = lambda x, y: x < 10
>>> body = lambda x, y: (x + 1, y + 1)
>>> keras.ops.while_loop(cond, body, (x, y))
10, 11


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