Equipped with ORM:

The data of some applications in the database is constantly changing, while in others this data is rarely changing. So the Phalcon framework is a better option for programmers to read and write data from the database as quickly as possible. In addition, the compatibility of this framework with C programming language and cooperation through Object-Relational Mapping method, makes more coordination between the database and data and in practice makes it easier to access them.

MVC architecture:

MVC software architecture is an architectural model for modern software. In fact, the Phalcon framework classes, written in the Zephire environment, enable the MVC architecture to run in software. In other words, if the software is developed by the Phalcon framework, any requests sent by users to its resources will be primarily managed by the MVC architecture, making it easier for programmers to create large projects.

Some other advantages of this architecture are:

  • Logic separates software from the user interface (UI) and database layers.
  • Specifies the location of different codes for more stability.


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