Phalcon Cookie Management

Cookie is a small text file stored by browser on user system. Cookies were designed to be a reliable mechanism for websites to remember stateful information or to record the user’s browsing activity. Phalcon\Http\Response\Cookies is the directory where cookies are stored. Cookie management helps in storing cookies under the above directory during the request execution and is sent automatically at the end of the request.


To check previously set cookie: $var_name->cookies->has(‘checking_name’);

Get the cookie: $var_name->cookies->get(‘cookie_name’);

Get cookie value: $var_name->cookies->getValue();

Set the cookie: $var_name ->cookies->set(cookie_name, ‘some value’, time() + 15 * 86400);

Delete the cookie: $var_name ->cookies->get(‘cookie_name ‘)->delete();

Example of Cookie generation



use Phalcon\Mvc\Controller;  


class SessionController extends Controller  


    public function loginAction()  


        // Check if the cookie has previously set  

        if ($this->cookies->has('cookie-name')) {  

            // Get the cookie  

            $rememberMeCookie = $this->cookies->get('cookie-name');  


            // Get the cookie's value  

            $value = $rememberMeCookie->getValue();  




    public function startAction()  




            'some value',  

            time() + 15 * 86400  




    public function logoutAction()  


        $rememberMeCookie = $this->cookies->get('cookie-name');  


        // Delete the cookie  




On above code execution following files are generated

Phalcon Cookie 1

Now implement and generate cookie from following code: In this cookie name is “login-action” with value “javatpoint”.



class UsersController extends \Phalcon\Mvc\Controller {   

   public function indexAction() {   

      if ($this->cookies->has("login-action")) {   

         // Get the cookie   

         $loginCookie = $this->cookies->get("login-action");   


         // Get the cookie's value   

         $value = $loginCookie->getValue();   






         time() + 15 * 86400   





    Phalcon Cookie 2

    Encryption/Decryption of Cookies

    Cookies contain the important information about the user browsing that’s why by default it is encrypted. It is encrypted when sent to client and decrypted when retrieved by the user.

    To disable the encryption we can do following changes in the code:

    use Phalcon\Http\Response\Cookies;  
        function () {  
            $cookies = new Cookies();  
            return $cookies;  


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