Tabs and Pills

Bootstrap Nav Components

Bootstrap provides an easy and quick way to create basic navigation as well as components like tabs and pills which are very flexible and elegant. All the Bootstrap’s nav components, including tabs and pills, share the same base markup and styles through the base .nav class.

Creating Basic Nav with Bootstrap

You can use the Bootstrap .nav class to create a basic navigation menu, like this:


<nav class="nav">
    <a href="#" class="nav-item nav-link active">Home</a>
    <a href="#" class="nav-item nav-link">Profile</a>
    <a href="#" class="nav-item nav-link">Messages</a>
    <a href="#" class="nav-item nav-link disabled" tabindex="-1">Reports</a>

— The output of the above example will look something like this:

Bootstrap Navigation Menu

Note: You can use the class .disabled to make a link look like disabled. But, the .disabled class only changes the visual appearance of the link by making it gray and removing the hover effect, however the link will remain clickable unless you remove the "href" attribute.

Alignment of Nav Items

By default, navs are left-aligned, but you can easily align them to center or right using flexbox utilities.

The following example uses the class .justify-content-center to align nav items to center.


<nav class="nav justify-content-center">
    <a href="#" class="nav-item nav-link active">Home</a>
    <a href="#" class="nav-item nav-link">Profile</a>
    <a href="#" class="nav-item nav-link">Messages</a>
    <a href="#" class="nav-item nav-link disabled" tabindex="-1">Reports</a>

— The output of the above example will look something like this:

Bootstrap Nav Center Alignment

Similarly, you can align nav items to right using the class .justify-content-end, like this:


<nav class="nav justify-content-end">
    <a href="#" class="nav-item nav-link active">Home</a>
    <a href="#" class="nav-item nav-link">Profile</a>
    <a href="#" class="nav-item nav-link">Messages</a>
    <a href="#" class="nav-item nav-link disabled" tabindex="-1">Reports</a>

— The output of the above example will look something like this:

Bootstrap Nav Right Alignment

Moreover, you can even vertically stack your nav items by changing the flex item direction with the class .flex-column. Also, if you want to stack your nav vertically on smaller viewports but not on others, use it with responsive breakpoint (e.g., .flex-sm-column).


<nav class="nav flex-column">
    <a href="#" class="nav-item nav-link active">Home</a>
    <a href="#" class="nav-item nav-link">Profile</a>
    <a href="#" class="nav-item nav-link">Messages</a>
    <a href="#" class="nav-item nav-link disabled" tabindex="-1">Reports</a>

— The output of the above example will look something like this:

Bootstrap Vertically Stacked Nav

Creating the Basic Tabs

Simply, add the class .nav-tabs to the basic nav to generate a tabbed navigation, like this:


<nav class="nav nav-tabs">
    <a href="#" class="nav-item nav-link active">Home</a>
    <a href="#" class="nav-item nav-link">Profile</a>
    <a href="#" class="nav-item nav-link">Messages</a>
    <a href="#" class="nav-item nav-link disabled" tabindex="-1">Reports</a>

— The output of the above example will look something like this:

Bootstrap Tabbed Navigation

See the tutorial on Bootstrap tabs to learn how to create dynamic tab to toggle between content.

You can also add icons to your tab items to make it more attractive, as shown here:


<nav class="nav nav-tabs">
    <a href="#" class="nav-item nav-link active">
        <i class="bi-house-door"></i> Home
    <a href="#" class="nav-item nav-link">
        <i class="bi-person"></i> Profile
    <a href="#" class="nav-item nav-link">
        <i class="bi-envelope"></i> Messages
    <a href="#" class="nav-item nav-link disabled" tabindex="-1">
        <i class="bi-bar-chart"></i> Reports

— The output of the above example will look something like this:

Bootstrap Tabs with Icons

See the tutorial on Bootstrap icons to learn how to use icons in Bootstrap. Also, check out Bootstrap icons classes to explore the icons provided by Bootstrap.

Creating the Pills Nav

Similarly, you can create pill based navigation by adding the class .nav-pills on the basic nav instead of class .nav-tabs, as shown in the following example:


<nav class="nav nav-pills">
    <a href="#" class="nav-item nav-link active">Home</a>
    <a href="#" class="nav-item nav-link">Profile</a>
    <a href="#" class="nav-item nav-link">Messages</a>
    <a href="#" class="nav-item nav-link disabled" tabindex="-1">Reports</a>

— The output of the above example will look something like this:

Bootstrap Pills Nav

Similarly, like nav tabs you can also add icons to your pills nav to make it more attractive:


<nav class="nav nav-pills">
    <a href="#" class="nav-item nav-link active">
        <i class="bi-house-door"></i> Home
    <a href="#" class="nav-item nav-link">
        <i class="bi-person"></i> Profile
    <a href="#" class="nav-item nav-link">
        <i class="bi-envelope"></i> Messages
    <a href="#" class="nav-item nav-link disabled" tabindex="-1">
        <i class="bi-bar-chart"></i> Reports

— The output of the above example will look something like this:

Bootstrap Pills Nav with Icons

Additionally, you can apply the class .flex-column on the .nav element to make the pills nav appear vertically stacked. You can alternatively use responsive versions (e.g., .flex-sm-column) if you need to stack them on specific viewports but not on others.


<nav class="nav nav-pills flex-column">
    <a href="#" class="nav-item nav-link active">
        <i class="bi-house-door"></i> Home
    <a href="#" class="nav-item nav-link">
        <i class="bi-person"></i> Profile
    <a href="#" class="nav-item nav-link">
        <i class="bi-envelope"></i> Messages
    <a href="#" class="nav-item nav-link disabled" tabindex="-1">
        <i class="bi-bar-chart"></i> Reports

— The output of the above example will look something like this:

Bootstrap Vertically Stacked Pills Nav

Bootstrap Nav with Dropdown Menus

You can add dropdown menus to a link inside tabs and pills nav with a little extra markup.

The four CSS classes .dropdown.dropdown-toggle.dropdown-menu and .dropdown-item are required in addition to the .nav.nav-tabs or .nav-pills classes to create a simple dropdown menu inside tabs and pills nav without using any JavaScript code.

Creating Tabs with Dropdowns

The following example will show you how to add simple dropdown menu to a tab.


<nav class="nav nav-tabs">
    <a href="#" class="nav-item nav-link active">Home</a>
    <a href="#" class="nav-item nav-link">Profile</a>
    <div class="nav-item dropdown">
        <a href="#" class="nav-link dropdown-toggle" data-bs-toggle="dropdown">Messages</a>
        <div class="dropdown-menu">
            <a href="#" class="dropdown-item">Inbox</a>
            <a href="#" class="dropdown-item">Sent</a>
            <a href="#" class="dropdown-item">Drafts</a>
    <a href="#" class="nav-item nav-link disabled" tabindex="-1">Reports</a>

— The output of the above example will look something like this:

Bootstrap Tabs with Dropdown Menus

Creating Pills with Dropdowns

The following example will show you how to add simple dropdown menu to a pill nav.


<nav class="nav nav-pills">
    <a href="#" class="nav-item nav-link active">Home</a>
    <a href="#" class="nav-item nav-link">Profile</a>
    <div class="nav-item dropdown">
        <a href="#" class="nav-link dropdown-toggle" data-bs-toggle="dropdown">Messages</a>
        <div class="dropdown-menu">
            <a href="#" class="dropdown-item">Inbox</a>
            <a href="#" class="dropdown-item">Sent</a>
            <a href="#" class="dropdown-item">Drafts</a>
    <a href="#" class="nav-item nav-link disabled" tabindex="-1">Reports</a>

— The output of the above example will look something like this:

Bootstrap Pills with Dropdown Menus

You will learn more about dropdown menus later in Bootstrap dropdowns chapter.

Fill and Justify Nav Component

You can force your .nav-items to extend and proportionately fill all available width using the class .nav-fill on the .nav element. In the following example all horizontal space is occupied by the nav items, but every nav item doesn’t have the same width.


<nav class="nav nav-pills nav-fill">
    <a href="#" class="nav-item nav-link">Home</a>
    <a href="#" class="nav-item nav-link">About</a>
    <a href="#" class="nav-item nav-link active">Explore Products</a>
    <a href="#" class="nav-item nav-link">Contact Us</a>

— The output of the above example will look something like this:

Bootstrap Nav Fill

Alternatively, you can use the class .nav-justified instead of.nav-fill, if you want nav that fills all horizontal space as well as every nav item has the same width.


<nav class="nav nav-pills nav-justified">
    <a href="#" class="nav-item nav-link">Home</a>
    <a href="#" class="nav-item nav-link">About</a>
    <a href="#" class="nav-item nav-link active">Explore Products</a>
    <a href="#" class="nav-item nav-link">Contact Us</a>

— The output of the above example will look something like this:

Bootstrap Nav Justified


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