Data Types

  • Numeric Types: Numeric datatypes store numbers. Common types include:
    • NUMBER: A flexible datatype for numeric values of any size.
    • FLOAT: Used for floating-point numbers.
    • INTEGER: Represents whole numbers.
  • Character Types: Character datatypes store text data. Common types include:
    • CHAR: Fixed-length character strings.
    • VARCHAR2: Variable-length character strings, more storage-efficient.
    • NCHAR: Fixed-length character strings in national character set.
    • NVARCHAR2: Variable-length strings in national character set.
  • Date/Time Types: Used for storing date and time values. Common types include:
    • DATE: Stores date and time values.
    • TIMESTAMP: Stores date and time with fractional seconds.
  • LOB Types: Large Object types are used to store large amounts of data, such as:
    • BLOB: Binary Large Object for binary data.
    • CLOB: Character Large Object for large text data.
    • NCLOB: National Character Large Object for large text data in national character set.


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