Sessions make data accessible across various pages. A session creates a file on the server in a temporary directory where all session variables are stored. This data is available to all the pages of your web site during the visit of that particular user.
When a session starts, the following happens −
- PHP creates a unique ID for that particular session.
- A cookie called PHPSESSID is sent on the client side (to the browser).
- The server creates a file in the temporary folder where all session variables are saved.
- When a server wants to retrieve the value from a session variable, PHP automatically gets the unique session ID from the PHPSESSID cookie. Then, it looks in its temporary directory for the needed file.
To start a session, you should call the session_start() function. All session variables are stored in the $_SESSION global variable. You can also use the isset() function to check whether the session variable is set −
if( isset( $_SESSION['number'] ) ) {
$_SESSION['number'] += 1;
}else {
$_SESSION['number'] = 1;
$msg = "This page was visited ". $_SESSION['number'];
$msg .= "in this session.";
echo $msg;
To destroy a session, you should call the session_destroy() function. To destroy a single session variable, call the unset() function −
Using Sessions in Yii
Sessions allow data to be persisted across user requests. In PHP, you may access them through the $_SESSION variable. In Yii, you can get access to sessions via the session application component.
Step 1 − Add the actionOpenAndCloseSession method to the SiteController.
public function actionOpenAndCloseSession() {
$session = Yii::$app->session;
// open a session
// check if a session is already opened
if ($session->isActive) echo "session is active";
// close a session
// destroys all data registered to a session
In the above code, we get the session application component, open a session, check whether it is active, close the session, and finally destroy it.
Step 2 − Type http://localhost:8080/index.php?r=site/open-and-close-session in the address bar of the web browser, you will see the following.
To access session variables, you may use set() and get() methods.
Step 3 − Add an actionAccessSession method to the SiteController.
public function actionAccessSession() {
$session = Yii::$app->session;
// set a session variable
$session->set('language', 'ru-RU');
// get a session variable
$language = $session->get('language');
// remove a session variable
// check if a session variable exists
if (!$session->has('language')) echo "language is not set";
$session['captcha'] = [
'value' => 'aSBS23',
'lifetime' => 7200,
Step 4 − Go to http://localhost:8080/index.php?r=site/access-session, you will see the following.
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