
CakePHP is an open source MVC framework. It makes developing, deploying and maintaining applications much easier. CakePHP has a number of libraries to reduce the overload of most common tasks.

Advantages of CakePHP

The advantages of using CakePHP are listed below −

  • Open Source
  • MVC Framework
  • Templating Engine
  • Caching Operations
  • Search Engine Friendly URLs
  • Easy CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) Database Interactions.
  • Libraries and Helpers
  • Built-in Validation
  • Localisation
  • Email, Cookie, Security, Session, and Request Handling Components
  • View Helpers for AJAX, JavaScript, HTML Forms and More

CakePHP Request Cycle

The following illustration describes how a Request Lifecycle in CakePHP works −

CakePHP Works

A typical CakePHP request cycle starts with a user requesting a page or resource in your application. At high level, each request goes through the following steps −

  • The webserver rewrite rules direct the request to webroot / index.php.
  • Your application’s autoloader and bootstrap files are executed.
  • Any dispatch filters that are configured can handle the request, and optionally generate a response.
  • The dispatcher selects the appropriate controller and action based on routing rules.
  • The controller’s action is called and the controller interacts with the required Models and Components.
  • The controller delegates response creation to the View to generate the output resulting from the model data.
  • The view uses Helpers and Cells to generate the response body and headers.
  • The response is sent back to the client.


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