View Events

There are several callbacks/events that we can use with View Events. These events are helpful to perform several tasks before something happens or after something happens. The following is a list of callbacks that can be used with CakePHP −

Sr.NoEvent Function & Description
1Helper::beforeRender(Event $event,$viewFile)The beforeRender method is called after the controller’s beforeRender method but before the controller renders view and layout. This receives the file being rendered as an argument.
2Helper::beforeRenderFile(Event $event, $viewFile)This method is called before each view file is rendered. This includes elements, views, parent views and layouts.
3Helper::afterRenderFile(Event $event, $viewFile, $content)This method is called after each View file is rendered. This includes elements, views, parent views and layouts. A callback can modify and return $content to change how the rendered content will be displayed in the browser.
4Helper::afterRender(Event $event, $viewFile)This method is called after the view has been rendered, but before the layout rendering has started.
5Helper::beforeLayout(Event $event, $layoutFile)This method is called before the layout rendering starts. This receives the layout filename as an argument.
6Helper::afterLayout(Event $event, $layoutFile)This method is called after the layout rendering is complete. This receives the layout filename as an argument.


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