Email Management

Email functionality is the most requested feature in a web framework. FuelPHP provides an elegant email class bundled as a package. It is used to send simple plain text email as well as advanced rich text email with multiple attachments. It supports the following features – Plain-text mails, HTML mails, attachments, and inline attachments.


To enable email functionality in the application, we need to just load the email package as specified below in the main configuration file, fuel/app/config/config.php.

'always_load' => array ( 
   'packages' => array ( 

Another option is to load the email package, the controller itself as follows.


The email setting can be done in the main configuration file and some of the important options are as follows,

  • driver − Email driver such as smtp
  • is_html − Whether to send mail as HTML content or not
  • priority − Priority of the email
  • − SMTP server host
  • smtp.port − SMTP server port
  • smtp.username − SMTP server username
  • smtp.password − SMTP server password
  • smtp.timeout − SMTP timeout
  • smtp.starttls − Whether the SMTP server needs STARTTLS command

Email API

Following are the API provided by the email and email driver class.


Purpose: To create an instance of email driver. It creates the driver based on the configuration or input it receives. Email driver provides features to create and send mail. Some of the possible email drivers are smtp, sendmail, mailgun, and mandrill.

  • Parameter − None or array of configuration details
  • Returns − Returns the Email_Driver object

For example,

$email = \Email::forge();  
$email = \Email::forge (array( 
   'driver' => 'smtp', 


  • Purpose − To set the message body
  • Parameter − $body – message body
  • Returns − Returns the current instance

For example,

$email = \Email::forge(); 
$email->body('Body message');  

//or pass it a View 
$email->body(\View::forge('my/view', $data); 


  • Purpose − To set the alternative message body
  • Parameter − $alt_body – alternative message body
  • Returns − Returns the current instance

For example,

$email = \Email::forge(); 
$email->alt_body('Body message');  

//or pass it a View 
$email->alt_body(\View::forge('my/view', $data);


  • Purpose − To set the mail’s priority
  • Parameter −
    • $priority − value of the priority. The options are −
a. \Email::P_LOWEST 
* \Email::P_LOW 
* \Email::P_NORMAL 
* \Email::P_HIGH 
* \Email::P_HIGHEST
  • Returns − Returns the current instance

For example,

$email = \Email::forge(); 


  • Purpose − To set the message body in HTML format
  • Parameter −
    • $html − message body in HTML;
    • generate_alt − whether to generate alternative message;
    • auto_attach − whether to embed the image or not
  • Returns − Returns the current instance

For example,

$email = \Email::forge();  

// Do generate the alt body, but don't auto attach images. 
$email->html_body(\View::forge('welcome/email', $data), true, false); 


  • Purpose − To set the from address
  • Parameters −
    • $from − from email address;
    • $name − Name of the sender
  • Returns − Returns the current instance

For example,

$email = \Email::forge(); 
$email->from('[email protected]', 'My Name');


  • Purpose − To set the subject of the message
  • Parameter − $subject – subject of the email message
  • Returns − Returns the current instance

For example,

$email = \Email::forge(); 
$email->subject('Suject of the mail message');


  • Purpose − To set the receiver email address
  • Parameters −
    • $email − email address or array of email address;
    • $name − receiver name
  • Returns − Returns the current instance

For example,

$email = \Email::forge();  
$email->to('[email protected]', 'My Dear Name'); 
$email->to (array( 
   '[email protected]', 
   '[email protected]' => 'My Dear friend', 


  • Purpose − To set custom header to the email message
  • Parameters −
    • $header − header type or array of header;
    • $value − value of the header
  • Returns − Returns the current instance

For example,

$email = \Email::forge(); 
$email->header('X-SMTPAP', 'XXXXXXXX'); 
$email>reply_to (array( 
   'X-SMTPAP'  => 'XXXXXX', 
   'X-SMTPAP2' > 'XXXXXA',


  • Purpose − To attach a file to the email message
  • Parameters
    • $file − file path;
    • $inline − whether to attach the file inline or not;
    • $cid − content identifier;
    • $mime − MIME type of the attachment file;
    • $name − attachment file name override
  • Returns − Returns the current instance

For example,

$email = \Email::forge();


  • Purpose − To send the mail.
  • Parameter −
    • $validate − whether to validate the email addresses
  • Returns − true or false

For example,

$email = \Email::forge(); 

} catch(\EmailSendingFailedException $e) { 
   // The driver could not send the mail. 

} catch(\EmailValidationFailedException $e) { 
   // One or more email addresses failed validation. 

Working Email Sample

Let us use the API learned in the previous chapter and create a simple code to send a message. Following is the simplest code to send a message.

$email = Email::forge(); 
$email->from('[email protected]', 'person1'); 
$email->to('[email protected]', 'person2'); 
$email->subject('Add something'); 
$email->body('contents of mail'); $email->send(); 


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