Author: admin

  • Software Engineering Overview

    Software is more than just a program code. A program is an executable code, which serves some computational purpose. Software is considered to be collection of executable programming code, associated libraries and documentations. Software, when made for a specific requirement is called software product. Engineering on the other hand, is all about developing products, using well-defined, scientific principles…

  • Most Popular Agile Methodology

    Scrum will be the most often used Agile Software Development approach in 2020. When compared to other techniques, this approach to project development clearly has an edge. Kanban is second. Surprisingly, 17% of respondents said they don’t utilize Agile technique at all. How does it seem for your projects?

  • The Birth of FORTRAN

    The FORTRAN (FORmula TRANslating) System was the first of the main programming languages to arrive in 1957. IBM created the programming language for scientific computing.

  • Job Titles Among Web Developers

    A study questioned several web developers what job title they would prefer the most. Engineers, Developers, Programmers, Senior Developers, and Full-Stack Developers were among the job titles available to them. The most popular pick, with 72.6% of the vote, was “Web Developer.”

  • King of Project Management Tools

    Jira is the most popular software development project management application. The second most popular is Trello. Slack (58.66%) takes the lead in communication tools, followed by e-mail (45.06%), and Jira (26.32%).

  • What Really Matters to Project Managers?

    Working software, completed tasks, and code readability are the most significant elements for project managers to use to evaluate engineers’ performance. Most project managers attribute failure to a lack of clearly defined deliverables, followed by unreasonable expectations and estimate.

  • The Versatility of Full Stack Developers

    Did you know that? A Full Stack Developer is often familiar with 4-6 major programming languages and frameworks.

  • The First Female Programmer

    Ada Lovelace, who was born in 1815, was the first female computer programmer.

  • JavaScript’s Popularity

    Considering 49.47% use, JavaScript remains the most popular programming language. What’s more, 32.45% of respondents claimed they have no plans to utilize any new programming languages in the next 12 months.

  • History of software

    Software is a set of programmed instructions stored in the memory of stored-program digital computers for execution by the processor. Software is a recent development in human history and is fundamental to the Information Age. Ada Lovelace’s programs for Charles Babbage’s Analytical Engine in the 19th century are often considered the founder of the discipline. However, the mathematician’s efforts remained theoretical only,…