Author: Awais Farooq

  • What are the key features of Phalcon?

    Phalcon provides a full-stack framework with features like routing, caching, ORM (Object-Relational Mapping), form building, and more. It supports modern PHP practices and integrates well with other libraries and tools.

  • Is Phalcon easy to learn for PHP developers?

    Phalcon requires a slightly different learning curve compared to traditional PHP frameworks because of its C-extension nature. However, its documentation and community support make it accessible for PHP developers familiar with MVC (Model-View-Controller) architecture.

  • Why choose Phalcon over other PHP frameworks?

    Phalcon is chosen for its speed and efficiency due to its C-extension implementation. It offers high performance and low overhead, making it suitable for applications where speed is crucial.

  • What is Phalcon?

    Phalcon is a high-performance PHP web framework known for its speed and low resource consumption. It’s implemented as a C-extension for PHP, which sets it apart from other frameworks.

  • Phalcon Logging

    This method found under directory Phalcon\Logger. It provides logging services for application. We can login to different backend using different adapters. It offers transaction logging, configuration options, different formats and filters. Adapters Adapters are used to store the logged messages. A list of supported adapters: Adapters Description Phalcon\Logger\Adapter\File Logs to a plain text file Phalcon\Logger\Adapter\Stream Logs…

  • Phalcon Class Autoloader

    Loader is a class found under Phalcon\Loader directory. This class consists of some pre-defined rules according to rules it loads class automatically. It also handles error such as if a class does not exist but it is called in any part of program then special handler is called for handling. In Loader if a class is added according to…

  • Phalcon Configuration

    It is a component which is used to convert configuration files into PHP. Its directory location is Phalcon\Config. Implementation Example: To convert native array into Phalcon\Config Objects. File Adapters Class Description Phalcon\Config\Adapter\Ini Uses INI files to store settings. Internally the adapter uses the PHP function parse_ini_file. Phalcon\Config\Adapter\Json Uses JSON files to store settings. Phalcon\Config\Adapter\Php Uses PHP multidimensional arrays to…

  • Cache

    Cache is a class found under Phalcon\Cache directory. It helps in accessing frequently used data at much faster rate. Phalcon\Cache is written in C Programming language and reduce overhead. When to implement Cache? Caching process is divided into 2 parts: 1) Frontend: Frontend checks whether a key has expired or not. Also perform additional transformations to the data before storing and…

  • Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) protection

    CSRF protection is against the form elements such as in user registration or adding comments are vulnerable to this attack. CSRF is created to prevent the form values from being sent outside our application. To fix this, we generate a random nonce (token) in each form. We add the token in the session and then…

  • Phalcon Security

    Phalcon provides the common security tasks to the developers such as: Password Hashing It is a technique where password is stored in the encrypted form in the database. If the password is stored in the plain text format then any intruder that has the access to the database can easily view the passwords. To avoid…