Author: Awais Farooq

  • Personal pronouns

    When you think of pronouns, you most likely think first of personal pronouns. Personal pronouns are pronouns that change form based on their grammatical person—that is, based on whether they refer to the person speaking or writing (the first person), the person or thing being spoken to (the second person), or the person or thing being spoken…

  • What is an antecedent

    Remember how we mentioned that in order to use a pronoun, you need to introduce the noun first? That noun has a name: an antecedent. Antecedents are necessary because pronouns are versatile. Think about it—it can refer to a bike, a tree, a car, or a city, and we just used it to refer to something else…

  • What is a pronoun?

    In English grammar, pronouns are a type of generic noun that can represent any other noun. Their job is to make communication faster and more efficient because you don’t have to repeat the same word over and over again. Some pronoun examples include: Pronouns are one of the eight traditional parts of speech, and they are…

  • Nouns and the possessive case

    The possessive case shows the relationship of a noun to other words in a sentence. That relationship can be ownership, possession, occupancy, a personal relationship, or another kind of association. The possessive of a singular noun is formed by adding an apostrophe and the letter s. The cat’s toy was missing. The cat possesses the toy, and we denote this by…

  • Nouns and number

    All nouns are either singular or plural in number. A singular noun refers to one person, place, thing, or idea and requires a singular verb, while a plural noun refers to more than one person, place, thing, or idea and requires a plural verb. Forming plural nouns Many English plural nouns can be formed by adding -s or -es to the…

  • Types of common nouns

    Common or generic nouns can be broken down into three subtypes: concrete nouns, abstract nouns, and collective nouns. A concrete noun is something that is perceived by the senses; something that is physical or real. I heard the doorbell. My keyboard is sticky. Doorbell and keyboard name real things that can be sensed. Conversely, an abstract noun is something that cannot be perceived by…

  • Proper nouns vs. common nouns

    One important distinction to be made is whether a noun is a proper noun or a common noun. A proper noun is a specific name of a person, place, or thing and is always capitalized. Does Tina have much homework to do this evening? Tina is the name of a specific person. I would like to visit Old Faithful. Old Faithful is the…

  • Nouns can name a person

    Albert Einstein the president my mother a girl Nouns can name a place: Mount Vesuvius Disneyland my bedroom Nouns can name things: Things might include intangible things, such as concepts, activities, or processes. Some might even be hypothetical or imaginary things. shoe faucet freedom The Elder Wand basketball

  • Types of nouns

    Nouns form a large proportion of English vocabulary, and they come in a wide variety of types.

  • PhalconPHP: Not Just For High-load Apps

    I hope you’ve enjoyed this brief overview of PhalconPHP’s killing features and the accompanying simple example of a Phalcon project. Obviously, I didn’t cover all the possibilities of this framework since it’s impossible to describe all of them in one article, but fortunately Phalcon has brilliantly detailed documentation with seven marvelous tutorials which help you understand almost everything about…