Author: Awais Farooq

  • Environment

    This chapter discusses setting up the execution environment for Dart on the Windows platform. Executing Script Online with DartPad You may test your scripts online by using the online editor at The Dart Editor executes the script and displays both HTML as well as console output. The online editor is shipped with a set of…

  • Overview

    Dart is an object-oriented language with C-style syntax which can optionally trans compile into JavaScript. It supports a varied range of programming aids like interfaces, classes, collections, generics, and optional typing. Dart can be extensively used to create single-page applications. Single-page applications apply only to websites and web applications. Single-page applications enable navigation between different…

  • AJAX RSS Feed Example

    Really Simple Syndication (RSS) RSS, which stands for Really Simple Syndication, is used to publish often updated information from website like audio, video, images, etc. We can integrate RSS feeds to a website by using AJAX and PHP. This code demonstrates how to show RSS feeds in our site. Index.html The index page should be…

  • AJAX Auto Complete Search

    Autocomplete feature is a typeahead mechanism to show input suggestion as the user enters data in the search box provided. It is also called live search because it reacts to the users’ input. In this example, we shall use AJAX and XML parser in PHP to demonstrate the use of auto complete text box. This…

  • Dart Programming Tutorial

    Dart is an open-source general-purpose programming language. It is originally developed by Google and later approved as a standard by ECMA. Dart is a new programming language meant for the server as well as the browser. Introduced by Google, the Dart SDK ships with its compiler – the Dart VM. The SDK also includes a utility -dart2js, a transpiler…

  • AJAX XML Parser

    Using PHP with AJAX, we can parse an XML document from local directory as well as on a server. The following example demonstrates how to parse XML with web browser. The client-end script renders a HTML form and defines a JavaScript function for sending a HTTP request to the server with XMLHttpRequest object. On the…

  • AJAX Search

    AJAX is a shortform of the term Asynchronous JavaScript and XML. Ajax is used to build fast and dynamic web pages. Below example demonstrates interaction with the backend PHP script with AJAX functions to provide a search field on the webpage. Step 1 Save the following script as “example.php” − Open Compiler This code is…

  • AJAX Introduction

    PHP powered web applications often make use of AJAX, together they are useful to create dynamic and interactive web applications. AJAX stands for Asynchronous Javascript and XML. It allows webpages to be updated asynchronously without reloading the entire page. In AJAX applications, the exchange of data between a web browser and the server-side PHP script is…

  • Flash Messages

    Message flashing in a PHP web application refers to the technique that makes certain messages popup on the browser window for the user to receive application’s feedback. To be able to give the user a meaningful feedback to his interactions is an important design principle, that gives a better user experience. In a PHP web application,…

  • Post-Redirect-Get (PRG)

    In PHP, PRG stands for “Post/Redirect/Get”. It is a commonly used technique that is designed to prevent the resubmission of a form after it’s been submitted. You can easily implement this technique in PHP to avoid duplicate form submissions. Usually a HTML form sends data to the server with the POST method. The server script…