Category: Chemistry Faqs
I took general chemistry at a college while I was in high school (taught at the college). Do I need to take General Chemistry?
If you took chemistry at a local college, then it may transfer in to BU. Depending on the rigor of the course, it may count as your first semester of chemistry. To see if it will count, send your course syllabus, lab syllabus and transfer credit equivalency form to [email protected]. Please note: if you are a…
I took “college-equivalent” general chemistry at my high school (taught at the high school). Do I need to take General Chemistry?
In our experience, high school courses (even those listed as college-equivalent and taught at a high-level of rigor) cannot replace college-level first-year chemistry, and students who skip this find themselves at a disadvantage later on (especially in the laboratory). For these students who will need to take other chemistry at BU (Organic Chemistry, Biochemistry, etc.),…
I took Chemistry is high school, but I really don’t feel confident that I remember the material. What course should I take if I want to be a chemistry or biochemistry (BMB) major?
The minimum General Chemistry requirement for BMB or Chemistry majors is CH109/110. You will get all of the support that you need in these classes to master the material and succeed in your major.
I didn’t take Chemistry is high school, but a really want to be a chemistry or biochemistry (BMB) major. What course should I take?
The minimum General Chemistry requirement for BMB or Chemistry majors is CH109/110. You will get all of the support that you need in these classes to master the material and succeed in your major.
I took AP Chemistry in high school. Which is the right General Chemistry course for me to take?
A: Doing well (4 or 5) on AP Chemistry might be a helpful indicator for choosing your General Chemistry course. In reality, it isn’t your AP score that is the most helpful in choosing the right course; rather, your level of recall and confidence with the material is the most important factor when choosing your General Chemistry course. CH101 assumes…
I took AP Chemistry in high school. Can I skip General Chemistry?
The short answer is: probably not. The long answer is: students with a score of 4 or 5 on AP Chemistry will receive credit for CH131 or CH171. If your major only requires one of these courses, and you are not considering pre-health, then you would not need to take General Chemistry. That said, most…
I signed up for an overflow lab (CH101 MX, CH109 LX, or CH111 LX), discussion (BX), or pre-lab (PX) section. Can I choose when this section will meet?
These are not actual sections of the courses. Rather, they are overflow/holding sections that assist the Chemistry department in accommodating as many students as possible in their courses. Students in these sections will be assigned to another existing (but full) section during first week of classes (please do not email your instructor about getting assigned to a section before…
The specific section that I want to take is full. Are there waiting lists for general chemistry courses?
A: The Chemistry department does not have waiting lists for its courses. That said, many of the courses do have overflow/holding sections (LX, BX, MX, and/or PX) to accommodate more students. For example, if you are trying to take CH109 but all of the labs that work with your schedule are full, then you could register…
I am a pre-medical student and BMB (or Chemistry) major, and the pre-health office said I should take CH101. Is that right?
No, all BMB and Chemistry majors should take CH109.
I am a pre-medical student – what course should I be taking?
All of the two-semester general chemistry sequences (CH101/102, CH109/110, and CH111/112) are acceptable for pre-health students. That said, we strongly recommend that all students discuss their course choices with their advisor.