Category: 11. XML
DOM Parser Example
The DOM extension in PHP comes with extensive functionality with which we can perform various operations on XML and HTML documents. We can dynamically construct a DOM object, load a DOM document from a HTML file or a string with HTML tag tree. We can also save the DOM document to a XML file, or…
SAX Parser Example
PHP has the XML parser extension enabled by default in the php.ini settings file. This parser implements SAX API, which is an event-based parsing algorithm. An event-based parser doesn’t load the entire XML document in the memory. instead, it reads in one node at a time. The parser allows you to interact with in real…
Simple XML Parser
The SimpleXML extension of PHP provides a very simple and easy to use toolset to convert XML to an object that can be processed with normal property selectors and array iterators. It is a tree_based parser, and works well with simple XML files, but may face issues when working with larger and complex XML documents.…
XML Introduction
With the help of PHP’s built-in functions and libraries, we can handle manipulation of XML data. XML, which stands for eXtensible Markup Language, is a data format for structured document interchange, especially on the Web. XML is a popular file format used for serialization of data storing the data, transmitting it to another location, and…