Category: 02. Disadvantages
Limited standard library:
Compared to some other programming languages, Node.js has a relatively limited standard library. While it provides essential functionalities for building web servers, networking, and file system operations, many other common functionalities require external libraries. Although the Node Package Manager (NPM) ecosystem is vast and offers numerous third-party packages, relying on external dependencies may introduce security risks, compatibility…
Limited support for multi-core scaling:
While Node.js is efficient in handling concurrent I/O-bound operations, it lacks built-in support for scaling across multiple CPU cores. This can be a limitation when developing applications that require high CPU utilization or parallel processing. Although there are workarounds like using the “cluster” module or external tools, managing multi-core scaling can be more challenging compared…
Memory consumption:
Node.js can consume more memory compared to some other server-side technologies. This is partly due to the need for duplicate instances of shared resources for concurrent requests. While memory consumption can be optimized by careful coding and monitoring, it is an important consideration, especially when deploying applications on resource-constrained environments.
Callback-based programming model:
Node.js relies heavily on callback functions to handle asynchronous operations. While callbacks provide a way to manage asynchronous code execution, they can lead to complex and nested code structures, often referred to as “callback hell.” This can make code harder to read, understand, and maintain. Although newer asynchronous patterns like Promises and async/await have been…
Single-threaded nature:
Node.js is single-threaded, meaning it runs on a single thread and can only utilize a single CPU core at a time. This design choice can limit its performance in certain scenarios, especially when dealing with CPU-intensive tasks. Although Node.js uses an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model to handle concurrent requests efficiently, it is not well-suited for…
Asynchronous Programming Model:
If you want to boost the scalability of the application, the requirement is that the application should adopt an asynchronous programming model. However, developers find this model to be more difficult as compared to linear blocking I/O programming. Another disadvantage of the asynchronous programming model is that the code becomes clumsy, and programmers need to…
Library Support System is not strong:
Compared to other languages, JavaScript does not have a robust and well-equipped library system. As a result, users are forced to take support from the commonly available library for executing tasks, such as processing and handling database operations, Object-Relational Mapping, XML parsing, etc. This makes it difficult for developers to implement common programming tasks using…
API is not stable:
One of the key problems that developers encounter while working on Node.js is the Application Programming Interface keeps on changing at frequent intervals and does not remain stable. At times, you will see a new API with multiple backward-incompatible changes. As a result, developers are obliged to make changes in the accessible code bases to remain in…