Category: Node JS Interview Question and Answer
What is the main difference between front-end and back-end development?
The following table specifies the key differences between a front-end and back-end development: Front-end Development Back-end Development The front-end development in an application refers to the client-side of an application. The back-end development in an application refers to the server-side of an application. As the name specifies, the front-end development is the part of a…
Which is the best tool we can use to assure consistent code style in Node.js?
ESLint tool is one of the best tools we can use with any IDE to ensure a consistent coding style. It also helps in maintaining the codebase.
What do you understand by the term fork in Node.js?
Generally, a fork is used to spawn child processes. In Node.js, it is used to create a new instance of the V8 engine to run multiple workers to execute the code.
What are some commonly used timing features of Node.js?
Following is a list of some commonly used timing features of Node.js:
In which types of applications is Node.js most frequently used?
Node.js is most frequently and widely used in the following applications:
How is Node.js better than other most popular frameworks?
Based on the following criteria, we can say that Node.js is better than other most popular frameworks:
What do you understand by callback hell in Node.js?
Callback hell is a phenomenon that creates a lot of problems for a JavaScript developer when he tries to execute multiple asynchronous operations one after the other. A function is called an asynchronous function when some external activity must complete before processing a result. It is called asynchronous because there is an unpredictable amount of…
Why is Node.js Single-threaded?
Node.js is a single-threaded application with event looping for async processing. The biggest advantage of doing async processing on a single thread under typical web loads is that you can achieve more performance and scalability than the typical thread-based implementation.
How can you manage the packages in your Node.js project?
We can manage the packages in our Node.js project by using several package installers and their configuration file accordingly. Most of them use npm or yarn. The npm and yarn both provide almost all libraries of JavaScript with extended features of controlling environment-specific configurations. We can use package.json and package-lock.json to maintain versions of libs…
Explain the working of Node.js?
The workflow of a Node.js web server typically looks like the following diagram. Let us see the flow of operations in detail: