Category: 03. Comparion Function

  • CASE Statements for Conditional Comparisons

    Oracle SQL provides the CASE statement as a powerful tool for performing conditional logic in queries. This allows users to conduct multiple comparisons and derive new values based on specified conditions. For example:

  • NULL Comparisons

    In SQL, comparisons involving NULL values yield NULL results rather than TRUE or FALSE. This behavior can lead to confusion if not properly understood. For instance: This query will not return any records, as comparing any value with NULL does not yield TRUE. To check for NULL values effectively, you must use the IS NULL…

  • Comparing Dates

    Date comparisons in Oracle SQL can be performed using standard comparison operators, as dates are internally treated as numerical values. This characteristic enables users to compare dates directly using operators like >, <, >=, and <=. For example: This query retrieves all orders placed after January 1, 2023. Proper handling of date formats is crucial;…

  • Comparing Strings

    Oracle SQL allows for robust string comparison, enabling users to evaluate and manipulate textual data effectively. String comparisons are case-sensitive by default, meaning that ‘Laptop’ and ‘laptop’ would be treated as different values. For example: This query retrieves products that match the exact name “Laptop”. To perform case-insensitive comparisons, users can utilize functions such as…

  • IN Operator

    The IN operator offers a concise way to specify multiple values within a WHERE clause, streamlining queries that need to check for several potential matches. Instead of using multiple OR conditions, the IN operator allows for a cleaner syntax. For example: sqlCopy codeSELECT * FROM employees WHERE department_id IN (10, 20, 30); In this query,…

  • LIKE Operator

    The LIKE operator is integral for performing pattern matching within SQL queries, especially useful for searching textual data. It allows users to search for a specified pattern in a column and can be combined with wildcard characters to enhance its functionality. The two primary wildcard characters used with LIKE are: For example, the following query…

  • BETWEEN Operator

    The BETWEEN operator is a powerful SQL construct used to filter records within a specified range, making it highly useful for queries that require range-based comparisons. This operator is inclusive, meaning that it includes both endpoints of the defined range. For example: sqlCopy codeSELECT * FROM products WHERE price BETWEEN 100 AND 200; In this…


    The IS NULL and IS NOT NULL operators are essential tools for handling NULL values in Oracle SQL. NULLs represent missing or undefined data, and SQL treats them differently than standard values. The IS NULL operator is specifically designed to check for NULL values within a column. For example: This query retrieves all employees whose…

  • Basic Comparison Operators

    Oracle provides several basic comparison operators that are crucial for constructing SQL queries. These operators allow users to evaluate and filter data based on specific conditions. The key comparison operators include: These operators can be effectively utilized in various clauses of SQL queries to filter results based on user-defined conditions. For example, using the >…

  • Definition of Comparison Functions

    Oracle comparison functions serve as foundational tools within SQL, enabling users to evaluate and compare data values effectively. These functions return boolean results—TRUE, FALSE, or NULL—based on the evaluation of two expressions. They are vital for filtering datasets, enforcing conditions in queries, and executing logical operations. By using comparison functions, SQL users can formulate complex…