Category: Projects
Defining Scheduled Team Members
You can create team roles for scheduled team members by adding project requirements to your project. You can then create project assignments for specific people resources by filling the project requirements. You can also create scheduled team roles by adding team members on a project directly, selecting a schedulable role For more information about project…
Staffing Plan
A staffing plan consists of the resource requirements and assignments defined for a project. You can use staffing plans to generate organization forecasts, and project budgets and forecasts. For more information, see Understanding Organization Forecasting, and Overview of Project Budgeting and Forecasting, Oracle Project Management User Guide. Related Topics Project Requirements Project Assignments Using Organization Forecasting Generating…
Defining Nonscheduled Team Members
Nonscheduled team members are people who have a role on a project team but whose time is not specifically tracked. For example, you may have extended team members that support the administrative aspects of the project and who perform tasks such as reviewing candidates and providing backup support. You can also have client contacts as…
Team Roles
A team role represents either a requirement or an assignment on a project or task. You use the project role as a template for your team roles. When you create a team role, you specify the project role from which to obtain all the default information. The default information is copied from the project role…
Project Teams and Team Roles
A team is a collection of roles on a project. You can divide the people on a team into two categories: scheduled members and nonscheduled members. Scheduled team members are those people for whom you want to track the hours, utilization, and financial impact (costs, revenue, and margin). Your scheduled team members for a project…
Resource Breakdown Structure
Resource breakdown structures provide another method for viewing planned and actual cost and revenue for a project by resource, resource type, and other resource groupings. The resource breakdown structure consists of one or more hierarchies of resource elements. An element is a resource type, such as job or organization, or a combination of a resource…
Planning Resource Lists
You use planning resource lists to plan the cost and effort of a project. You can define the resource needs at a high level, such as indicating that you need an organization or supplier involved in the project. You can also define your resource needs in a more granular form such as specifying a particular…
Resource Lists
Resource lists are groupings of resources. You attach resource lists to projects to effectively budget project cost and revenue, to track resource usage, and to view cross-project reporting. Oracle Projects summarizes actual costs and commitments for resources, and rolls up the amounts for a project based on the attached resource list. Oracle Projects requires that…
Resource Types
In addition to people resources, you can use other types of resources to complete a project. The following table lists the types of resources that Oracle Projects supports, their descriptions, and where they are defined: Resource Type Description Defined in Named Person An employee or contingent worker performing services for an organization, such as John…
People Resources
People resources enable you to plan, manage, and control the work and collaboration required to complete a project. You use them to build your project teams. Oracle Projects supports the following types of people resources: The following table lists some common activities in Oracle Projects and specifies whether the different types of people resources can…