Category: Projects
Overview of Resources
Oracle Projects supports various kinds of resources, resource types, planning resources, resource lists, and planning resource lists. Resources can be people, equipment, or anything else that are essential to complete a project successfully.
Setup Steps Required for an Organization Change
Some or all of the following implementation steps must be performed when you have an organization change. Note: Several of the following steps are included in the Implementation Checklist. For more information about them, see the Oracle Projects Implementation Guide. 1. Define Organizations 2. Define the New Organization Hierarchy Fremont Corporation must update the organization hierarchy version,…
Planning the Organization Change
Oracle Projects provides the flexibility to allow adjustments made to meet real world organization changes. You must plan the necessary setup changes and processes to implement the changes according to your business requirements. Careful planning and analysis will ensure your business objectives are met. When to Make the Change Oracle Projects enables you to track…
Business Assumptions
This case assumes there is no impact from the organization change on a multiple organizations architecture. For information on multiple organization change, see Operating Units and Multiple Organizations.
Case Study: Organization Change in Fremont Corporation
In this case study, we use Fremont Corporation to demonstrate how to use Oracle Projects to address organization changes. In its original implementation, Fremont Corporation’s organization hierarchy contained four organizations directly subordinate to its business group. The four organizations have several subordinate organizations. Following is an illustration of Fremont Corporation’s initial organization hierarchy: Fremont Corporation…
Adding Organizations to the Project Burdening Hierarchy Version
If you add a new organization to the Project Burdening Hierarchy Version, you must do one of the following: If you want to add burden multipliers to a particular schedule version for the organization, you need to compile the affected schedule version. If you use the parent organization multipliers, you must submit the PRC: Add…
Adding Operating Units
Many of the steps you perform to implement your first Oracle Projects operating unit define parameters and features that are shared across all operating units. To set up additional operating units, you only need to perform the steps that control parameters for an individual operating unit. Similarly, some Oracle Projects setup steps define parameters that…
You define a location for each address your enterprise uses. Give each location a short name and then assign it to an individual organization or to an employee. A location is easier to type than a full address, especially if many employees or organizations use it. If several organizations are located at the same address,…
Assigning Burdening Hierarchies
To assign project burdening hierarchies, you follow the procedures described below: To specify project burdening hierarchies Depending on your enterprise organization structure and business process, it is possible for the Project Burdening Hierarchy Version to be different from the Project/Task Organization Hierarchy Version, Expenditure/Event Organization Hierarchy Version, or Default Project Reporting Organization Hierarchy Version that…
Defining Organization Hierarchies
Organization hierarchies provide a structure for the relationships between the organizations within your enterprise. They enable you to manage expenditure and reporting data and coordinate project-owning organizations. If your organization uses business groups, you can create project burdening organization hierarchies for each business group. You define an organization hierarchy by telling Oracle Projects which organizations…