Category: Tips
Utilize Services and Factories
Use Phalcon’s service and factory patterns (Phalcon\Di\Service and Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault) to encapsulate logic for creating and managing objects across your application.
Optimize Autoloading
Phalcon uses its autoloader to load classes efficiently. Organize your code into logical directories (controllers, models, etc.) and register them with the autoloader for optimal performance.
Use Dependency Injection (DI)
Phalcon’s DI container (Phalcon\Di) is powerful and central to managing components and services in your application. Leverage DI to cleanly manage dependencies and promote modular, testable code.
Understand the C-Extension Architecture
Phalcon is unique because it’s implemented as a C-extension for PHP rather than being purely PHP-based. This gives it significant performance advantages but also means you need to be aware of its specific installation and configuration requirements.