Category: Oracle


    In oracle, IS NOT NULL is used to check not null values. It is used with select, insert, update, and delete statements. Syntax Parameters expression: column name or any value to check it is a not null value Note: Table: Example 1 Query: select * from table1 where name is not null

  • Oracle INTERSECT Operator

    In Oracle, INTERSECT Operator is used to return the results of 2 or more SELECT statement. It picks the common or intersecting records from compound SELECT queries. Syntax Parameters 1) expression1, expression2, … expression_n: It specifies the columns that you want to retrieve. 2) table1, table2: It specifies the tables that you want to retrieve records from.…


    In Oracle, In clause is used with SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE statement to decrease the use of multiple OR conditions. Syntax Parameters Expressions: name of the column for getting value. Table: Example 1 Query: select *from table1 where name in (‘shristee’, ‘dolly’, ‘sid’)


    In Oracle, exists clause is used with select, insert, update, delete statements. It is used to combine the queries and creating subquery. Syntax Parameters subquery: It is a select statement which returns at least one record set. Table 1: Table 1: Example 1 Query: select name from table1 where exists (select *from table2 where Example 2…

  • Comparison operators

    In Oracle, Comparison operators are used with the where clause. The following are the operators that can be used:- Comparison operator Description = Equal <> Not Equal != Not equal > Greater than >= Greater than or equal < Less than <= Less than or equal Table: Example: Equal operator In Oracle, equal (=) operator…

  • Comparison operators

    In Oracle, Comparison operators are used with the where clause. The following are the operators that can be used:- Comparison operator Description = Equal <> Not Equal != Not equal > Greater than >= Greater than or equal < Less than <= Less than or equal Table: Example: Equal operator In Oracle, equal (=) operator…


    In Oracle, BETWEEN is used to get the values from given range in select, insert, delete or update statement Syntax Parameters Expression: column name value1 and value2: values for range Table: Example 1 select id, name, age from table1 where age between 20 AND 28


    In Oracle, AND & OR can be combined and used in select, insert, delete or update statement for checking two or more conditions. Syntax Parameters condition 1, condition 2,…., condition n: condition to match the records. Table: Example 1 select id, name, age from table1 where id>2 AND age<28 OR age>25


    In Oracle, AND is used in select, insert, delete or update statement for checking two or more conditions. Syntax Parameters condition 1, condition 2,……, condition n: condition to match the records. Table: Example 1 select id, name from table1 where name=’dolly’ AND age=18 Example 2 select id, name from table1 where name=’shristee’ AND id=1


    In Oracle, aliasing can also be done in column name as well as in table name. Aliasing is done to give a temporary to a column or table. Syntax for column: Syntax for table: Parameters column_name: original name of the column table_name: original name of the table alias_name: temporary name Table: Example 1 select id, name as Student_name…