Category: PHP Faqs
What are the characteristics of PHP variables?
PHP variables are values stored in memory that the user can manipulate. They store data for a specific purpose and can be used in calculations and other processes. PHP variables can be declared with keywords such as ‘var,’ ‘int,’ ‘float,’ and’ array.’ After announcing a variable, it can then be used to store a value.
What is the difference between static and dynamic websites?
Static websites are stored in a file system and served as is to the user. These websites are not dynamic and cannot be changed without manually editing the files on the server. On the other hand, dynamic websites are content-rich and can be altered based on various external factors. For example, content may be changed…
What is PEAR in PHP?
PEAR stands for PHP Extension and Application Repository and is an online repository of free, open-source PHP software packages. It was created as a centralized platform to manage, develop and distribute reusable PHP components. PEAR provides various packages and functions, from database and networking to file system access and remote process control. It also includes…
Is PHP a case sensitive language?
Not fully. PHP is partly a case sensitive language where the variable names are case-sensitive but function names are not. Also, user-defined functions aren’t case sensitive but the rest of the language is.
What is the main difference between PHP4 and PHP5?
PHP4 uses Zend Engine 1 and doesn’t support the OOPs concept, while PHP5 supports the OOPs concept and uses Zend Engine 2.
Which programming language is PHP similar to?
PHP is influenced by Perl and C. As such, PHP syntax resembles these languages.
What is the recommended PHP version?
The latest versions of PHP are 7.2.30, 7.3.17, and 7.4.5, which was released in April 2020