Category: Cake PHP

  • Views

    The letter “V” in the MVC is for Views. Views are responsible for sending output to user based on request. View Classes is a powerful way to speed up the development process. View Templates The View Templates file of CakePHP gets data from controller and then render the output so that it can be displayed properly to…

  • Controllers

    The controller as the name indicates controls the application. It acts like a bridge between models and views. Controllers handle request data, makes sure that correct models are called and right response or view is rendered. Methods in the controllers’ class are called actions. Each controller follows naming conventions. The Controller class names are in plural…

  • Routing

    In this chapter, we are going to learn the following topics related to routing − Introduction to Routing In this section, we will see how you can implement routes, how you can pass arguments from URL to controller’s action, how you can generate URLs, and how you can redirect to a specific URL. Normally, routes…

  • Project Configuration

     this chapter, we will understand the Environment Variables, General Configuration, Database Configuration and Email Configuration in CakePHP. Configuration CakePHP comes with one configuration file by default, and we can modify it according to our needs. There is one dedicated folder “config” for this purpose. CakePHP comes with different configuration options. Let us start by understanding the Environment Variables in CakePHP. Environment Variables…

  • Folder Structure

    Here, we will learn about the Folder structure and the Naming Convention in CakePHP. Let us begin by understanding the Folder structure. Folder Structure Take a look at the following screenshot. It shows the folder structure of CakePHP. The following table describes the role of each folder in CakePHP − Sr.No Folder Name & Description…

  • Installation

    In this chapter, we will show the installation of CakePHP 4.0.3. The minimum PHP version that we need to install is PHP 7.3. You need to have PHP 7.3 and Composer to be installed before starting the installation of cakePHP. For Windows users, install or update WAMP server with PHP version > 7.3. Go to and install it. For…

  • Overview

    CakePHP is an open source MVC framework. It makes developing, deploying and maintaining applications much easier. CakePHP has a number of libraries to reduce the overload of most common tasks. Advantages of CakePHP The advantages of using CakePHP are listed below − CakePHP Request Cycle The following illustration describes how a Request Lifecycle in CakePHP…