Category: PHP Interview Question
What are the types of variables present in PHP?
There are eight primary data types in PHP as shown below:
How is a PHP script executed?
PHP scripts can be easily executed from the command-line interface (CLI). The syntax is as follows: 1 php filename.php Here, filename refers to the file that contains scripts. The extension .php is needed alongside the filename.
What is the meaning of PEAR in PHP?
PEAR stands for PHP Extension and Application Repository. It is one of the frameworks and acting repositories that host all of the reusable PHP components. Alongside containing some of the PHP libraries, it also provides you with a simple interface in PHP to automatically install packages.
Is PHP a case-sensitive scripting language?
The answer to this is both yes and no. Variables and their declaration in PHP are completely case sensitive while function names are not. For example, user-defined functions in PHP can be defined in uppercase but later referred to in lowercase, and it would still function normally. Next up on these PHP interview questions for…
What is PHP most used for?
PHP has a plethora of uses for developers and the ones mentioned below are some of the most widely used concepts that PHP offers: