Category: 20. Kinetic Theory

  • Transmission, Absorption and Reflection of Light

    Introduction Light has the characteristics to be reflected, transmitted or absorbed when it falls on a surface with a certain angle of incidence. Light appears as the only electromagnetic radiation that is capable of reflection, transmission and absorption while being visible to the human eye. The process of absorption, transmission and reflection are influenced by…

  • Transparent Translucent and Opaque

    Introduction The light transmission of any object completely depends on the basic material of the objects. If the object allows a hundred per cent light transmission it is called transparent, and if the light transmission capacity of the object is less than a hundred per cent then it is a translucent object. On the other…

  • Sunlight White Coloured

    Introduction From the year, 1666 to 1672, Newton conducted several experiments with the prism and sunlight to recognise the true colour of sunlight. However, he was quite successful in determining the colour of the sun to be white which is seen as a combination of the seven respective colours we experience in a rainbow. With…

  • Single Slit Diffraction

    Introduction The phenomenon of pressing waves around obstacles is commonly known by the term diffraction, based on this simple concept of physics, the present tutorial will explain the definition of a single-slit diffraction while explaining the pattern of diffraction. Furthermore, the tutorial will include an explanation of the formula of single-slit diffraction along with defining…

  • Raman Scattering

    Introduction Raman scattering is an ideal technique that creates dispersed photons with distinct frequencies based on the rotational and vibration properties of the scattered molecules. Raman scattering is utilised to acknowledge the materials by physicists and chemists. In recent times, lasers are utilised to record the spectra whereas photographic plates and mercury lamps were utilised…

  • Particle Nature Light Photons

    Introduction Albert Einstein discovered the particle nature of light based on the fact, that metals eject electrons when it comes in contact with light. Electromagnetic effects are integrally associated with this nature of light. According to Albert Einstein, electromagnetic energy is associated with significant packets of quanta, which are also known as photons. As per…

  • Braille: Helping the Blinds and Visually Impaired

    Introduction Brail system is developed for visually impaired people. Generally writing systems are the visual representation that is used to share our feelings and communicate with each other. Many types of communication were followed from the early times. Braille is one such system of communication. In such systems, the conveyer and the reader should be able…

  • Specular Diffuse Reflection

    Introduction The act of reflection can be referred to as such kind of phenomenon where the light can be observed to bounce back after being fallen on a particular kind of surface that is considered as the obstacle on the path of the travelling of a ray of light. Based on this concept of physics,…

  • Unit of Light

    Introduction Everything around us is visible to our eyes because of light only. Our bodies are completely useless in the absence of light called darkness. Sunlight also acts as a renewable source of energy to generate electricity using solar cells. But, the main question, which was a matter of discussion among various physicists was –…

  • The Human Eye

    Introduction The eye is one of the 5 sensory organs apart from the nose, ear, tongue and skin. It enables the power to see every object that is around us. In simple words, it works like a camera that captures visions. Eyes also catch the light rays from our surroundings and make them convert in…