Category: 20. Kinetic Theory
Brewster’s Law: Definition, Equation, Examples
Introduction Brewster’s law is studied in optics. the science of light. If light waves could pass through all materials perfectly, you wouldn’t be able to see anything. All materials would turn invisible. On the other hand, if materials reflected all light perfectly, they would always appear white instead of coloured. Colours are visible only because materials…
Kinetic Interpretation of Temperature
Introduction There are five states of matter and gas is one of them. Empty spaces are filled by gases. The atmosphere is full of gas molecules. It contains different gas molecules. The oxygen gas molecule which is necessary for breathing is also in our atmosphere along with many other gas molecules. Every matter in the…
Kinetic Theory of Gases Derivation
Introduction This gaseous theory describes the behavior of the gases contained in some vessels. The particles which are molecules or gases are always in random motion as they continuously move and collide with each other and collide with the container also. Also, there is some pressure and temperature within the container. The path acquired by…
Kinetic Theory of Gases Assumptions
Introduction In our daily life, we commonly observe the motion of the air molecules when a light ray enters the dark through a small hole. the motion of air molecules is studied by the kinetic theory. With the help of the kinetic theory of various properties of the gas can be defined in terms of…
Kinetic Theory of Gases Derivation
Introduction This gaseous theory describes the behavior of the gases contained in some vessels. The particles which are molecules or gases are always in random motion as they continuously move and collide with each other and collide with the container also. Also, there is some pressure and temperature within the container. The path acquired by…